Invisible Chapter 14

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 Once I catch up to Yoongi, he holds out his hand for me to take. His lean fingers entangle with mine. As he leads me to the tree, I study my hand in his. Yoongi's fingers are strong; his thumb gently rubs my skin.

We come to a stop by the table. I take a second to admire the wishes fluttering in the breeze. Yoongi brings my attention back to him by handing me a paper and a pen. What should I wish?

I bend over the table and hold the pen slightly above the paper while I think. Besides me, Yoongi has already started writing his wish down. Nothing comes to mind, at least nothing serious. In the end, I decide to write down a few silly wishes.

"What did you wish for?" Yoongi asks, turning to me after he sets his pen down.

I shrug. "Just some silly wishes."

His head cocks to the side. "Like what?"

A wide grin spreads across my face. "I wish to be a millionaire is one of them."

Yoongi lets out a hearty laugh. "Why are you being so unserious about this?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "I wish for silly things and then hope for the best."

Yoongi's hair falls out of place as he shakes his head in mock disappointment. His smile is infectious. This man never fails to steal my breath away. Beauty like his is truly a gift from God.

"Your way of thinking is peculiar." He teasingly bumps his shoulder against mine.

"I know, I'm a weirdo." I joke.

This earns another laugh from Yoongi. His arm wraps around my waist as he leads me to a low-hanging branch. Yoongi reaches up and ties his wish to the tree. Even while I'm on my tiptoes, I can't quite reach.

A warm presence pushes against my back. Yoongi's hands come into view as he gently removes the paper wish from my hand. I watch as his nimble fingers carefully tie my wish next to his. Instead of stepping away when he's finished, Yoongi's arms wrap around me.

His hands rest, overlapping on my stomach. I spin around in his arms, causing our chests to press against each other. Yoongi looks down at me, his deep brown eyes gazing into mine. Slowly, Yoongi leans down and presses his lips against my forehead.

His lips are soft, and warmth spreads across my skin. My cheeks flush red as Yoongi pulls away, and I stare at him with wide doe eyes. His hand comes up to my face and tucks some stray hair behind my ear. His hand lingers on my cheek.

Like a flip of a coin, lust takes over my brain. A deep hunger for this man has been developing within me for a long time. As if he can read my mind, Yoongi brings his face closer to mine. The kiss is soft at first.

Soon, our hunger for each other becomes unbearable. Our kiss quickly turns intense. His lips passionately devour mine. Our mouths move in sync.

Yoongi's tongue glides against my bottom lip. My lips parted, allowing his tongue to delve into my mouth. I fully surrender myself to him. My body melts into his.

A low groan escapes out of Yoongi. This elicits a moan from me. Yoongi pulls me closer to him using the hand placed on my lower back. A fire burns deep within me.

We stay like this for a while. Yoongi evokes so many emotions from me. This kiss is hot and intense, and I love every moment of it. I'm losing control over myself. The need to take him home is rapidly increasing.

This is only date number two. We are moving too fast. I need to take my time and see where this goes. I've had a crush on him for years and don't want it to fizzle out. I need to take my time and make sure this is real.

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