Invisible Chapter 12

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 Butterflies are currently rampaging in my stomach, and I'm not sure I'll be able to eat. Hopefully, they calm down by the time we get into the restaurant. The GPS on the dashboard says we are a few blocks away, so the little shits better disappear fast. I watch as the distance closes. Three blocks, two blocks, one block, the car pulls up to the front of a fancy restaurant.

Sadly, the butterflies are still bashing around in my stomach. I watch as Yoongi slips out of the car and struts into the building. The driver quickly pulls the car to the back door. Once the door is opened for me, I nervously exit the car and dash through the back door. Besides the kitchen staff, all the other employees are familiar.

Whenever I go out with Yoongi in public, Hybe usually replaces the wait staff with Hybe employees. A short young woman leads me to my seat, where Yoongi awaits me. Our table is in a dim corner. Lit candles are displayed beautifully in the center of the table.

Yoongi looks exquisite in the low lighting, and I love it. If I'm lucky, the light would also make me look amazing. The waiter comes around, and Yoongi orders a glass of wine for himself and a glass of orange juice for me. We sip on our drinks and chat while we wait for food.

I can tell Yoongi has a bunch of questions to ask me, but I begin to ramble, talking a million miles an hour to avoid a conversation I'm not ready for. My nerves are causing me to panic. I start spilling all my insecurities. Yoongi sits there patiently as I rant about being ten years older than him.

"I'm a single mom who's a little bit chubby. I'm a white girl from Canada who's also your maid. ARMY won't like you dating me. They'd expect you to date someone like, I don't know,... one of the girls from Blackpink. I couldn't live up to those girls. They're perfect, and I'm not." All my worries spill out of me like a broken dam until Yoongi cuts me off.

"We are alone right now. It's just me and you." He calmly states.

Oddly enough, his words reassure me. His dark eyes fondly gaze into mine. A blanket of safety wraps around me. His eyes are galaxies I could get lost in for hours, maybe even years.

"You are perfect to me; I'm glad you agreed to this date," Yoongi whispers.

My brain short circuits, causing me to ramble again. "You haven't properly met my son. What if you don't like each other? What if this gets serious? Is this just one date? Are we just going to be friends? What is going on here?"

Question after question uncontrollably tumbles out of my mouth. A hurricane of questions swirls around my brain. A force so strong I can't contain them. One right after another, they burst into the air between me and Yoongi, where they can't be taken back.

Across from me, Yoongi chuckles. My mouth snaps shut as I stare at him. The corners of his mouth tug into a sly smirk. "Wow, that one sentence really got you worked up. Or maybe it was the word date. Date." He teases me but gauges my reaction closely.

His comment successfully makes me laugh. "Shush, you're so mean to me."

Yoongi always knows how to lighten my mood. One stupid little smirk is enough to comfort me. The air around us is no longer suffocating. Yoongi's calming presence works its magic.

Yoongi's expression turns more serious. "It's just a word."

I sigh, " Well, it's not just a word to me."

His index finger taps on his chin as he thinks for a second. His eyes soften into a gentleness I haven't seen much from him. "I guess you're right. It is not just a word. It's something I would like to have more of. I want to have more dates with you."

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