Invisible Chapter 18

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Even with me rushing to get ready, I'm still running late. Traffic was crazy, and I texted Yoongi when I was about ten minutes away. The driver turns off the street onto Yoongi's driveway. My handsome boyfriend, being the gentleman he is, is standing outside waiting for me.

The driver pulls the car in front of Yoongi. As he opens my door, a wide, gummy grin adorns Yoongi's face. Before I can step out, Yoongi offers me a hand. Smiling gratefully, I place my hand in his. Once I'm out of the car, I look around.

The car I took is the only one in the driveway. Surely, the other members' cars should be here as well. Maybe I'm not running late? That's unlikely as it's half an hour past the time the party was supposed to start.

Yoongi notices my puzzled expression and chuckles. "There's been a last-minute change. We decided Jungkook's place is much more suitable for a party. Everyone is there already. I'm not ready to go yet. Let's go in for a minute."

We walk hand in hand up to the front door. Yoongi's soft skin offers some warmth against the unusually cold night. It's nice to have some alone time with him. I wish he could have stayed after lunch.

Once inside, we slip off our shoes and walk into the living room. Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. Yoongi's head rests on my shoulder. I turn my head so I can see his face.

He grins. "I just wanted to hug you. I haven't gotten to spend much alone time with you."

Without thinking, I raise my hand and stroke his cheek. "I know. I missed you, too, but we should probably get going soon. It is your party, after all."

Yoongi pouts. "I know. Namjoon is probably already drunk. I just have to grab something, and then we can head out."

Before he can release his grip on me, I turn in his arms and hug him back. As subtly as I can, I try to sniff his cologne. It smells nice, and I find it oddly calming.

"Hey, Yoongi..." I hesitate. "I'm still worried about this situation with Namjoon."

Yoongi pulls away slightly so he can look me in the eyes. His lips form a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. Namjoon and I talked. Everything will be okay. We are brothers, after all. I was very understanding of his feelings. We got it worked out. I promise."

His words offer some relief to my nerves. Yoongi's face dips closer to mine so he can press a soft kiss on my forehead before he pulls away. His ringtone cuts through the silence. I can't see the caller ID but Yoongi frowns and holds up a finger to indicate he needed a moment.

After Yoongi leaves the room, I head over to the couch and sit down. Soon after, Yoongi's rushed footsteps slap against the kitchen floor. His mouth is twisted in a deep frown. I'm assuming that phone wasn't a good one.

"That was Jimin. Namjoon is absolutely wasted, and he took off somewhere. I have to go look for him. He isn't answering anyone's calls. I want you to stay here. It'll make me feel better to know you're here safe." He sighs as he shoves his feet into his shoes.

I nod, even though he probably won't see it. "Of course. I'll stay here and wait for you. Keep me up to date on what's happening. Be careful, Yoongi."

Yoongi gives me a grateful smile before swiftly leaving through the front door. My insides are churning with worry. Worry for Namjoon, Yoongi, and whoever else decided to go look for him. I set my phone on the table in front of me after I double-checked that my volume was up.

Hopefully, no one sees Yoongi or Namjoon out on the streets. I'm worried Namjoon being drunk would get him hurt. It would be bad if an ARMY were to see him in the state he's in. I hope he's okay.

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