Invisible Chapter 3

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It's been a few months since my last run-in with Yoongi. I've mostly kept to myself. Softly humming to myself, I enter Yoongi's house. He will be coming home tomorrow afternoon.

Min-jun assured me Yoongi would not be coming home this time. Initially, I was to clean his house tomorrow. Thankfully, I've been granted permission to clean tonight.

As I clean, I sing along to my music. It's my little secret superpower. Not many people know I'm a talented singer. I love people's reactions when they hear me sing for the first time.

The fridge smells a little weird, so I wipe down the shelves with lemon-scented cleaner. On my hands and knees, I hum to myself as I scrub. I've had the same BTS song stuck in my head for weeks. I can't help but giggle at the fact I'm singing a BTS song in Yoongi's house.

Faintly, I hear the front door close. Oh no, not again. Like a weirdo, I duck down as low as I can. My upper body is still partially in the fridge. Maybe if I stay quiet, no one will notice I'm here.

While my train of thought is lost in my jumbled and panicked mind, I barely register a tap on my shoulder. Instantly, I tense up. Hastily, I move to stand and manage to slam my head on one of the fridge's shelves. My hand shoots up to rub the tender bump developing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." A man's voice rings out from behind me.

Once I turn around, my eyes widen as I take in the man before me. J-Hope stands, checking me over with a concerned expression. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, his brows furrowing as he waits for me to speak. I quickly blink the stars out of my eyes as I snap out of my trance.

"J-Hope," My cheeks flush red from embarrassment as I realize my mistake. I stumble through my words as I try to cover up my brain fart. "I mean, Sir. No worries, I'm fine."

He quirks a brow as he takes in that I'm still nursing my bruised head and ego. Luckily, he decides not to point out my lie. Instead, we stand staring at each other in awkward silence. I clear my throat and look away.

Hoseok breaks the silence first. "Again, I'm sorry. I came to pick up some things Yoongi said I could borrow. I saw you over here and thought I'd stop to say hello."

"Uh, hello." My voice barely comes out as a squeak. Cringing, I internally slap myself.

"You're funny." J-Hope laughs as he flashes me his breathtaking heart-shaped smile.

Our wonderful sunshine, Hobi, smiled at me. Wait, I tell myself. While I'm cleaning this house, I am not an ARMY. I need to remain professional on the outside and in my mind.

"Hush." I scold myself.

"What?" J-Hope asks, bewildered.

Oh crap. Did I say that out loud? Panic squeezes my lungs making me gasp. I stare at him, horrified.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I was talking to myself." I desperately try to explain.

"Losing basic brain function in my presence, I see." He teases me.

"Huh?" My cheeks turn a shade of red that rivals a tomato. Heseok's body shakes as he begins to laugh. His outburst catches me off-guard. I watch, frozen in place, as he doubles over, clutching his stomach.

He manages to reign in his hysterical giggles enough to talk. "I'm sorry, but your reaction is hilarious. Don't worry, though, I'm just going to grab that stuff, and then I'll be out of your hair. You're doing a great job, by the way. Yoongi is happy with your work."

He continues," I'm glad he managed to find a cleaner he trusts. We are grateful you haven't leaked any information about us. We're thankful you keep our private lives a secret."

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