Invisible Chapter 11

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With Yoongi and I talking on the phone almost daily, the week flew by fast. We really got to know each other. The two of us traded life stories and discussed our interests and hobbies. Yoongi explained more about his military service, and I spoke of Hudson. This week has allowed us to really get to know each other.

Our friendship is blossoming beautifully. Yoongi is so funny and charming. He's a fantastic listener. It's like Yoongi has the power to make me feel safe and confident. I can open up to him and spill my deepest secrets to him.

There's no judgment or shame. Even without his reassurance, I knew he'd never tell another soul about the private things I told him. Yoongi became an anchor in the rough waters that are my life. I'm so honored and grateful to have him in my life.

He's the one friend that I talk to every day. Yoongi, every so often, would invite me to hang out with him and his friends. Without even realizing it, I immigrated into their friend group. I understand their inside jokes, and the maknaes taught me their secret handshake.

Tae asks me to help him pull pranks on Jimin. Namjoon and I talk about philosophy, which still surprises me as I'm not that smart. Nonetheless, I enjoy listening to him, and it's so easy to get immersed in his words. Anytime I'm around the other members, Yoongi will sit and watch us.

No matter who I'm with or what we're doing, I can always feel Yoongi's eyes staring at us. Sometimes, it seems to be out of curiosity, but mostly it's something else. The best description I can come up with is how Agust D glares at the man he stabs in the Haegeum music video. Sometimes, his scrutinizing glare would make me nervous. I'm afraid this may cause problems between the members and Yoongi. Especially Namjoon, he gets these fierce looks the most.

Whenever these worries occur, I quickly laugh them off. It must be my imagination. There's no way Yoongi would be jealous. Not when it comes to me. Yoongi and I are just friends.

Even with Yoongi's strange behavior, it was the best week I've had in a very long time. It's Friday, and I don't work today. Last night, I went to Yoongi's house to clean, leaving today's schedule blank. Yoongi wasn't home last night, so I kind of miss him.

Maybe Yoongi will do something with me today. It's a quarter to four, so perhaps he's free. I'm kind of nervous to invite him out. Typically, it's him asking me to do things. Chewing on my bottom lip, I pull out my phone and dial his number.

Yoongi picks up on the second ring. "Hey, Rachel. How are you today?"

I can't help but grin to myself. "I'm good. I just have a question for you."

"Sure. What's up?" He asks.

My nervousness comes back. I try my best to hide it. "Are you busy today?"

Yoongi pauses for a moment. "No."

He sounds excited. Maybe this was a good idea. I'm glad I mustered the courage to ask him to hang out. We are friends, but I'm still hesitant to bother him if I don't know if he's busy or not.

"Oh, great," I smile. "I was hoping you'd want to do something with me."

"Yes!" Yoongi blurts, causing me to giggle.

"Why are you so excited? You're so silly," I tease him.

On the other end of the line, Yoongi clears his throat. "Right, yeah, I'm cool." He fails to sound calm.

Yoongi is acting a little strange today. Usually, he's much more relaxed. Still, this version of Yoongi is kind of cute. Although I don't understand this sudden change in his attitude, I hope I see this side of him more often.

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