Invisible Chapter 4

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It's a quiet morning. I hum along to a song I've had stuck in my head for the past few days. On the kitchen table, my phone begins to ring. Before going over, I pack away the last of Hudson's lunch. Min-Jun's name flashes across my phone screen.

"Hey, Boss," I answer the call.

"Key, Kiddo," He greets me. "How are you today? Are you getting ready for work?"

Min-Jun knows I get ready around this time. He usually doesn't call me this early. Something must be up, but Min-jun is the type of man to beat around the bush. I hate when he isn't straightforward.

"Yeah, I'm getting ready for work," I respond, skeptical of where this conversion will go.

"So, um," He starts but trails off.

"Yeah?" I prod, slightly irritated. "What's up?"

I love Min-Jun, but he needs to spit it out. Anxiety begins to replace the irritation I felt before. I pick at my cuticles as I wait for the man to continue. Finally, he clears his throat.

"Well... you know your special client from BTS?" Min-Jun sounds nervous

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Yes."

"Mr. Min is not on tour anymore. You know that, correct?" He asks.

"Yes, Sir. I am aware." I try to hide my annoyance. Why can't Min-Jun ever cut right to the point?

"The schedules have changed. Mr. Min is home now, but we aren't sure for how long. He will probably be doing his military service soon. You would still need to clean his house while he's away. Think you can handle that?" Min-Jun finally cuts to the chase.

"Of course," All my previous inner turmoil dissipates. "I would be happy to clean his house while he's in the military."

On the other end of the line, I can hear Min-Jun sigh with relief. "Perfect. I know for sure that he's not going to be home."

This is excellent news for me. I can clean Yoongi's house without worrying about running into him. Good thing I decided to stay and clean for him. Silently, I do a little happy dance.

"Okay, great," I say too eagerly, failing to hide my excitement.

I'm about to say goodbye, but Min-Jun cuts me off. "By the way, please do not tell anyone this news. Mr. Min's agency hasn't announced this information yet. I only told you as a heads-up."

"Yes, I know the drill. Thank you for telling me. I have to go now. Goodbye." I accidentally hang up before Min-Jun can respond.

Before I can set the phone back down, it rings again. Ugh, it's probably Min-Jun calling me back to scold me for improper phone etiquette. Sighing, I pick up the phone and wait for the older man to curse at me. I almost drop the phone when a voice not belonging to Min-Jun filters through the speaker.

"Hey," The voice is familiar. I can't put my finger on who it is, though.

"Hello," I respond, using formal language.

The male on the other end of the line chuckles. "You don't recognize my voice?"

I'm sure this is someone I've talked to before. Maybe it's one of Hudson's teachers. I hope not. It's rare for him to get in trouble at school.

"You sound familiar. Are you Hudson's teacher? Did he get in trouble at school yesterday?" I question.

Again, the man laughs. "No, I'm not a teacher."

"Who are you then?" I ask skeptically.

I'm starting to feel creeped out. Everyone I've given my number to, excluding the school, is in my phone contacts. What if this is a stalker? A knot forms in my stomach.

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