Invisible Chapter 23

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 The last six months have been hard. Going through pregnancy alone is not easy. The guys tried their best to visit whenever they had days off, but their visits were few and far between. Jungkook had given me permission to decorate his mansion however I wanted to. He'd stop by whenever possible to see what I did with the place.

I really only decorated the room that had been designated as mine. The room itself is just big enough for me. Hudson got his own room, which he got to decorate himself. I didn't let him go overboard, though.

This mansion isn't our permanent home. We're just staying here until the baby is born. After that, we'll go back to the apartment. I'm planning on having a water birth, and it would be best to do it here instead of in our apartment.

The mansion has much more room. Since I have a maid and a doula staying here, this is the easiest option. I'm grateful Jungkook has opened his home to me and my little family. As a thank-you, I picked out some tasteful furniture for the living room. When he came home for his vacation, he was pleased with what I picked.

Tae also came to visit on his breaks. He always brought baby gifts. After what feels like ages, he's finally warming up to me. He's over the moon about being an Uncle.

His favorite things to do are sing to the baby and rest his head on my bump to listen and feel it move. He'd coo and comment on the baby's strength whenever he felt a kick. I usually watch him in amusement as his eyes light up with excitement. When it comes to babies, he's adorable.

When Jimin comes to visit, he brings me healthy food and vitamins. He calls me the most out of all the guys who know about the baby. He always asks how I am and checks in to see if the baby and I are okay. He also meets with the doula to make sure she's taking good care of me.

Although I have Jungkook's maid and the doula, I still feel lonely. They aren't the same as having the guys around me. The guys are like light and energy. Just being around them makes you feel comfortable and warm. The days they visit are my favorite.

Jin and Hobi both visited me. It took me a while to finally tell them, but they're willing to help me. It didn't take much for them to agree. They both had fallen for my baby bump.

Being the fashionista he is, Hobi brings me adorable unisex baby clothes. I opted out of finding out the baby's gender. Once, Hobi came with me to one of my doctor's appointments. It was a risky move, but Hoseok made sure we were safe. I guess being famous teaches you how to be sneaky.

I haven't seen Yoongi in all this time. Besides photos on Hobi's phone, no new images of Yoongi have been released. The only people who receive pictures of Yoongi are his family and close friends. Even the training camp wasn't releasing photos of him as he opted out of group photos.

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Jin has finally been released from the military. Even though he's busy with Festa and ARMY, he still spends time with me daily. He cooks my meals and cleans up. Since I'm heavily pregnant, he won't let me do anything. I don't mind because moving around is hard. I never would have expected Jin to be so overprotective. He barely lets me go up the stairs without his help.

Jin constantly asks me when I will tell Namjoon and Yoongi about the baby. I keep telling him I'll do it when I know who the father is, but he just won't give up on the subject. I decided a few months ago, and the others agreed to keep it a secret until then. It's a hard secret for them to keep.

Everyone worries I'll go back on my word and never tell them. Jin has been bugging me the most out of the others. He definitely won't let me out of the deal we made. I don't mind, though. I find it sweet how much he cares and how much they all care.

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