Invisible Chapter 13

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Sunlight streaming through the curtains drew me out of my blissful sleep. I never wake up in such a good mood. Whatever dream I had last night must have been amazing. Maybe yesterday was a dream.

It feels too good to be true. There's no way it wasn't a dream. Even if it was just a dream, it was terrific. It's so amazing that I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine.

Hudson watches as I hum to myself as I make breakfast. When I skip back to my room, I hear him quietly mutter to himself in the dining room. He doesn't say anything until I'm getting ready for work.

"Mommy, are you okay?" He asks curiously. "You're acting weird."

Unable to help myself, I laugh. "I'm wonderful today, Bubs."

Hudson looks at me with a serious expression. "That's what I'm worried about. You're a little too wonderful."

Again, I laugh. "That's perfectly fine. Mommy is allowed to be happy."

The little boy cracks a smile. "I'm glad you're happy."

Without another word, he gets up from my bed and runs over to hug me. His small face nuzzles into me for a second before he turns his face so his smile beams up at me. He lets go of me so he can catch his morning cartoons before we have to leave the house. I quickly finish getting ready and then head to the kitchen to pack lunches.

With lunches packed and both of us ready, I usher Hudson to the door. Once we are both buckled up, I turn on Super Tuna so we can give pedestrians a free concert as we drive past. Hudson dances as much as the seatbelt will allow him. We jam out all the way to his school.

"Goodbye. Have a great day!" I kiss his head before he runs to the front doors.

Once he's safely inside, I return to my car and head to work. Yoongi's house isn't on my list today. The houses I clean that aren't Yoongi's tend to be more work. It's not that Yoongi is a cleaner person; it's because he isn't home much. Even though he has a home studio, he still spends most of his time in his studio at Hybe.

Maybe it's the beautiful, clear, sunny day or my good mood, but work flies by. The houses weren't too dirty. Besides a client walking in and witnessing my humming, work went by without any significant hitches. I didn't have to leave; they just had to grab something fast before they were on their way again.

On the way home, I pick up Hudson from school. Before I pull out of the school's parking lot, Hudson reaches into his backpack and hands me a piece of paper. It's a drawing of Hudson and I. In our hands are circles attached to sticks. Next to us are seven stick figures on top of a square.

"What's this?" I question, even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer.

"It's us at a BTS concert. We were supposed to draw something we wanted to do someday." Hudson explains with the brightest smile.

He's so adorable. I set the drawing on the empty passenger seat and pull out of my parking spot. As I drive, Hudson tells me about his day, not missing any little details. We pass by a woman walking her dog.

"Mommy, look! The dog looks like Bam!" Hudson exclaims.

It's true. The dog is a Doberman with uncropped ears and a tail. "It sure does, Bud." I smile at Hudson through the rearview mirror.

Once we get home, I kick into overdrive to get ready for my date with Yoongi. I had my outfit planned out before I went to bed last night. It's not a dress, but it's still a cute look. I'm wearing a cute black sweater with dark jeans and heels.

Map of the Soul 7 Saga Book 1 - InvisibleWhere stories live. Discover now