Invisible Chapter 5

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The following week flies by. I went about my usual routine. Cleaned without any mishaps or encounters with my clients. Utterly normal, just the way I like it.

Went to work, picked up Hudson from school, made dinner, and got ready for bed. Every day was the same. We couldn't go to the park or take walks as it's been raining for a week straight. Hudson and I stayed inside, watched TV, and did crafts. I just enjoyed quality time with my son.

Hudson just finished eating and is getting ready for bed. On the counter, my phone rings. That's odd. It's six o'clock. Who's calling this late in the evening?

"Hello," I answer the phone.

"Hey," Yoongi greets me. "I'm just leaving the house. I'll be gone all night. Could you come over and clean in a couple of hours?"

I don't really have a choice. I agreed to be on call. Besides, Hudson will be in bed soon, so it should be alright. "Sure," I agree.

"Good, I've already had my assistant call your babysitter. She's on her way to your house." He states.

I chuckle. "Really?"

"Yes, she agreed once she heard how much we were offering. She should almost be to your house." Yoongi says dryly.

"Thank you," I respond hesitantly.

On the other end, I can hear him quietly sigh. "No problem. All I want is a housekeeper I can rely on. I appreciate you doing this. Please be at my house in the next few hours."

Yoongi hangs up before I can say anything else. My eyebrows furrow as I stare at my phone. He seems distant today. Usually, he doesn't speak to me so formally. He must be super busy.

There isn't anything I can do but shrug it off and get ready to leave. Shortly after Hudson falls asleep, the babysitter arrives. I thank her for coming so late in the evening and quietly leave my house. There's very little traffic on the way to Yoongi's.

Upon entering through the front door, I notice Yoongi's house is a little messier than usual. There are papers strewn across the living room table. Music sheets as scattered around a laptop on the dining room table next to an empty mug. The bathroom and his bedroom floor have random articles of clothes lying around.

His bed is messily made, so I quickly fix it. I pick up the clothes from the floor and his hamper and throw them into the washing machine. While that runs, I begin to tidy up the kitchen. The kitchen is relatively clean, so all I have to do is wipe down the counters and mop the floor.

I head to the main bathroom. It's the last place on my to-do list. Yoongi seems to primarily use the bathroom in the master bedroom, so there was minimal cleaning needed in this bathroom. I finish up and get ready to leave.

The sound of the door opening makes me freeze in the foyer. Dang it. Why does he always come home early? Yoongi slightly stumbles through the door.

He has definitely been drinking. He says something in Korean I can't make out. His words come out a bit slurred. Yoongi has a sloppy smile on his face as he laughs at something someone behind him says.

Who is he with? I only ponder briefly before Jimin and Namjoon file into the house behind Yoongi. The sight of the men steals my breath away. Oh my God, it's Namjoon, my bias.

I'm frozen in place, blocking the door to the rest of the house. The three drunk idols stare at me with puzzled expressions. Namjoon looks slightly concerned. He's never met me before.

I quickly bow and grab my things. After I moved out of the way, the men stumbled through the doorway I was just blocking. Namjoon plops down onto the couch as Yoongi takes the comfy recliner. Jimin went straight to the kitchen to get snacks.

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