Chapter 3

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Carlos and Cleo were enjoying some light snacking on a plate of food when Jay finally entered the house. Once she realized he had returned, she jumped off the counter she had been perched on. "Welcome home! How was your mission?" Carlos asked as he grabbed a glass of water. Jay sighed and plopped down on the couch, throwing his boots up on the coffee table. "It was alright. I managed to find the location of the hideout but not the rest of the gang. It seems like the organization has disbanded." He explained. Cleo bit her lip anxiously. "But why would they disband? They're still dangerous and the boss probably doesn't want anyone else knowing about their hideout." She reasoned. Jay shook his head slightly. "We don't know that for sure yet. But if they really are disbanding then I think it's best to just wait." He explained calmly.

Cleo rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She huffed angrily. "Can you guys just relax already?! We've been waiting for nearly six hours and it's driving me fucking crazy. If I have to wait even longer before I can go to fucking Disneyland then so be it." She snapped irritably.

"Calm down, my love. I know you're impatient and angry but we need to focus and figure out exactly how many members there actually are. We don't know what's happening in the outside world and the less people that know the better. Besides, your brother isn't coming home for another hour so maybe calm down for five minutes okay?" Carlos suggested calmly. Cleo scoffed and folded her arms against her chest. "Fine...but if we don't figure out who they are in half an hour then we're gonna fucking leave, got it?" Carlos nodded his head and smiled lightly at her. "Yes Dear. Now hurry up and go eat. We'll talk more tomorrow." He ordered. Cleo rolled her eyes and glared at him annoyedly. But she knew that he was right and so she made her way upstairs to change into some pajamas while she waited for Jay to arrive.

After changing into sweats and a tshirt, she walked back into the living room and plopped down next to Carlos on the couch. "Alright. What were you talking about?" She asked Carlos curiously. "Just some stuff we should probably figure out about our new allies. So far, none of them seem trustworthy though. They haven't even told us their names yet." Jay piped in from behind Carlos. Carlos sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Let's take one step at a time then. First things first. Where's the others?" He demanded. Cleo shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I've never seen them before." Carlos scrunched up his nose in distaste. "Well we're gonna have to check out the rest of the compound, and we will be taking some kind of security team with us to keep watch so we don't miss anything." Carlos said. Cleo nodded her head in agreement and looked back over at Jay. "Why don't you come along too? You might learn something interesting." She proposed, causing Jay to smile slightly at the idea. Jay nodded his head. "Sure. Why not?" "Good. Because we're leaving tonight." Carlos announced, standing up from the couch.  Cleo gasped and jumped up alongside him. "Really?! When? Are you going to tell me what's going on? Do I get to come? She inquired eagerly. Carlos smiled warmly down at his wife and said, "Of course darling. I do need my Queen beside me helping to kick some ass too. I can't just leave her out while I have all the fun." All you have to do is pack a bag." He told her. Cleo immediately rushed over to her closet and began rifling through piles of clothes. "I have everything you'll need in here. Just bring whatever's most important to you and bring your phone charger. Also my favorite hoodie. And the onesie with the little bear on it." Cleo informed him before pulling a couple pairs of pants out and setting them neatly on top of each other. "Is that all?" Carlos asked skeptically as he followed Cleo to the closet. "For now."  Cleo replied and started shoving clothes and shoes into her suitcase. As she searched through the closet and drawers, she heard Carlos walking towards her. Carlos crouched down in front of Cleo and placed his hands either side of her hips as he bent over slightly to look inside of her suitcase and said with his eyebrow rased in , "You have a lot of shirts babe." Cleo smirked mischievously. "They're comfy. Plus, it's a good hiding spot for those things you're holding dear." She winked playfully. Carlos rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. Cleo suddenly felt something tickling her feet. Looking down, she saw a brown furry ball laying down between her feet. Her heart swelled up and she reached out a hand carefully to pet it. The ball immediately began stirring in its sleep and then nuzzled its face against Cleo's leg. She giggled softly and brought her free hand up to pet the puppy's fur. "What's her name?" She asked Carlos quietly. The puppy opened it's mouth and began making cute noises. Her tongue lolled out the side of it's mouth and the end of her tail wagged rapidly. "Ohmygod! I wanna name the puppy! Can we name it?! Please please pleaaaassseeeeee!" Cleo begged Carlos with sparkles in her eyes. Carlos chuckled and picked up the puppy off of the floor by the scruff of its neck and placed it on his lap. The puppy yawned and curled up in his lap as he stroked her soft brown fur. Cleo stared in awe at him and felt herself smiling happily. " Carlos looked cup at her and said, "Do you like your surprise my love?" Cleo smiled brightly. "I LOVE HER!" She squealed. Carlos giggled and placed the puppy down on the ground so that it could explore the house properly. Carlos helped Cleo pack everything she wanted in her backpack and once she was done packing she threw all of it onto the bed. She climbed up on top of the bed and crawled her way over to sit beside Carlos who was sitting in the middle of the bed.
She wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders and rested her chin on top of his chest. Cleo told him, "We need to name our new puppy and then get some things for the new addition to the family." Carlos hummed in response and lifted his right arm to wrap it around Cleo's waist. He pressed his lips against her temple before resting his chin on the top of her hair. His left hand slowly traveled up her body until it stopped at the hem of her shirt and slid it upwards revealing her pale skin underneath. Carlos ran his fingers across her skin gently and began trailing kisses across her cheek, along the line of her jaw, across her lips, and down her neck until he reached her collar bone. He trailed down lower, sucking gently on her skin which caused her to let out a moan. He kissed down her throat again until reaching the top button of her shirt. "Mmm...Carlos..." she breathed out.

He removed the top button and leaned his head back so that he could meet her gaze. Cleo grinned and raised her eyebrows suggestively and said, "Sorry baby boy but I'm on my period so we can't do it." Carlos gave her a disappointed look. "You're no fun." He whined. Cleo laughed lightly and pulled him back down for another kiss. "Hey!" A loud voice called from downstairs and both of them froze instantly. Cleo pushed Carlos off of her and stood up quickly, pulling her sweater back over her head. Carlos shot her a worried glance before looking down at their puppy who had awoken from her nap. "Shit.." she muttered under her breath. Carlos frowned worriedly. "Are you alright?" He questioned worriedly. Cleo bit her lip hesitantly before turning to face Carlos with a serious expression on her face. "Yeah...I'm fine. It was just..." She trailed off, unsure of how to continue her sentence. Carlos cocked his head to the side in confusion. "A cat?" He guessed. Cleo bit her lip nervously again and looked away.

"It wasn't a was..." She mumbled anxiously. "It was a man." Carlos finished for her. Cleo's head snapped back up and she looked at Carlos in shock. "What? How did you know?" Cleo demanded. Carlos shrugged. "Because I saw him." Cleo scowled at him and looked away again, still in disbelief that Carlos had noticed him. "How'd you know that I didn't see him?" Cleo asked Carlos suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at him. He looked at her innocently and shook his head. "I don't think you'd notice him." He explained truthfully. Cleo sighed heavily and shook her head slightly. "Whatever. Don't worry about it." She murmured. Carlos frowned. "I am. I care about you, Cleo. So please try to believe that I only want to protect you from this man." Cleo's frown deepened and she looked away again.

"You're just saying that because he hurt you. He hurt you really bad. But I don't give a damn about that." Carlos assured her, hoping that she understood what he meant by that. She nodded her head and stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing tightly before kissing him passionately. Carlos returned her embrace as they pulled apart and looked deeply into each other's eyes lovingly. He brushed his fingers gently along the bottom part of her cheek and she closed her eyes and leaned in closer to him. He smiled and placed his forehead against hers before closing his own eyes and letting out an exhausted sigh. After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "Come on. Lets go get our new friend."

Cleo opened her eyes and took in a deep breath before nodding her head and following after Carlos as he headed towards the door. She couldn't help but feel anxious though. What if this man tried to hurt her again? What if he was waiting for them outside? What if he was going to attack Carlos next time she wasn't around to stop him? Cleo's anxiety got worse when Carlos walked her and their pup outside to where Jay was waiting for them, along with Jay's mother. As they arrived, Cleo spotted Jay crouching down next to the puppy and cooing at it. "There you are! Thank god. We were getting bored." Jay said, grinning up at his brother. "Well you're not alone. I've been here the whole time." Carlos joked. Jay turned and grinned widely at Carlos before standing and wrapping his arms tightly around his brother's waist. "Thank god you're okay!" He exclaimed. "Me too." Carlos agreed with him as they released each other from their tight hug. "Where have you two been?" His mom asked curiously. Cleo looked down sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck. "Um..." she hesitated. "Well..." Carlos began. "Well, there was this guy...we met...he..." he glanced at Cleo as he avoided eye contact. "We went out to dinner and talked and-" Carlos continued to ramble nervously until Cleo interrupted him with a gentle squeeze to his upper arm. "We were gonna tell you guys tomorrow but I got tired of having to say 'no' to you every time you wanted me to come home early so...we decided to stay late at the restaurant tonight because we wanted a little extra attention." She explained awkwardly. Her parents shared a surprised smile with each other before they looked back at Cleo and Carlos and replied, "that sounds great honey!" Cleo exhaled with relief. "Thanks!" She responded with a huge grin spreading across her face. Her parents looked at her lovingly as they approached them and gave them both a big hug. Cleo smiled gratefully and hugged her parents back.

"Alright, let's go get these things settled in our new house. I'M SO EXCITED TO BE IN MY ROOM AGAIN AND NOT UNDER THE COTTAGE!" Carlos exclaimed, practically bouncing up and down from excitement. Cleo giggled and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, leaning down so that her nose was almost touching his ear. "Let's hope you won' be able to sleep on the couch anymore." She whispered huskily into Carlos's ear, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Forbidden Mafia Love Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora