Chapter 24

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After about fifteen minutes Carlos finally turned down a long winding drive that led to a massive mansion. As soon as the car came to a stop and the engine stopped roaring the pair looked up to see a beautiful white mansion sitting on a hilltop.  Carlos smiled at Cleo, "Wow...this place is so amazing." He whispered in awe, admiring the view. The mansion consisted of several rooms with balconies which offered some great views of the ocean. Carlos parked the car and they stepped out together. "Do you want to go explore now?" He asked Cleo. Cleo nodded eagerly and grabbed Carlos' hand before leading him inside the mansion. A short walk later and Carlos opened the main door to reveal a huge ballroom with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. "This is incredible." Cleo breathed out dreamily. Carlos smirked as he guided her further into the hall and lead her towards one of the many glass double doors. "Look at the view." He whispered softly, pointing towards the sea far below the building, while placing his free arm around Cleo's shoulders. They gazed down at the endless blue ocean sparkling like a thousand diamonds. Cleo closed her eyes and let herself fall deeper into Carlos' loving gaze, feeling warm and secure in his arms. Just moments after they arrived in the foyer a woman appeared with an annoyed expression on her face. "Oh, I was beginning to wonder when you were going to show up, Mr. Marotti..." She spoke irritated.

Carlos looked over at the woman and scoffed before responding coldly: "Why, I thought you weren't expecting me." Carlos growled angrily, tightening his grip on Cleo's shoulders. "Mr. Marotti, I'm sorry but you must be mistaken. This isn't your mansion. You can leave whenever you want, and you can never come back." The woman snapped impatiently as she glared back at Carlos. Cleo tightened her grip on Carlos' shirt and pulled him down slightly, glaring back at the woman who seemed to notice, and turned around quickly, hiding the surprise on her face. Cleo looked between Carlos and the woman in confusion before asking; "Who is she?!"
"That's Mrs. Lopez. One of my workers that I haven't fired yet, even though I have gotten many compliments from the other staff that works here as well. I actually have been meaning to fire her for a while now." Carlos said.  " We'll can you do it now? I don't want to have someone working here that has a bad and disrespectful attitude." Cleo replied. "Plus she insulted me when I took one step in the door with you. We haven't even been here for 5 minutes and she disrespected us." She added. "I already talked with my lawyer and explained the situation to him and I think things will be fine." He assured his pregnant wife, kissing her forehead as if trying to reassure himself more than anyone else. Cleo huffed and crossed her arms across her chest before turning around abruptly and stomping up the stairs to the third floor.

"Cleo wait!" Carlos cried, running after his wife and catching up just outside the bedroom. He reached out a hand, but Cleo brushed him off and continued walking in the bedroom before he heard her screaming for help. His heart sank as he followed Cleo's scream, finding her standing by their bathroom doorway staring horrified into the mirror. Her skin was pale, and her dark brown hair was now white like snow. The sight made Carlos run towards Cleo and put his hands onto her shoulders. "Baby...what is it? Are you okay?! What happened to you?!" Carlos asked frantically, searching for answers.

Cleo looked up with tear filled eyes before answering: "I look horrible don't I? How could I be so stupid?!" Cleo gasped, her breathing becoming labored. Carlos held Cleo' body close to his, stroking his fingers soothingly against her smooth skin. "No baby please don't cry! Please Cleo. Tell me what's wrong. Talk to me, please." Carlos pleaded softly. Cleo's breathing increased slightly as her tears flowed down her cheeks, and Carlos felt a pang of sympathy. Cleo finally spoke," I think that Lopez bitch you hired and has been working here for 5 years has poisoned me. I want to find a new mansion. I am getting a very bad feeling about this place."  She told him shakily.

"'s alright baby...everything is gonna be fine. Let's talk with the lawyer first and then we'll decide where to move. Okay? You stay calm now. I'll make sure of that. "Come sit down." Carlos instructed gently." Cleo made grabbing hmwith her hands And Carlos knew exactly what she wanted. He chuckled as he picked her up. Once Carlos stepped on foot out from the bathroom into the bedroom he suddenly gasped at Cleo. " What is it? Cleo asked confused. "Your hair it turned back to normal As well as your skin. I think you are right, this house is haunted." Carlos replied.

The two walked back downstairs and out of the front door again, leaving the house and the beach behind.

As soon as they were outside Carlos pressed the button on his keychain that unlocked the car door and opened it for Cleo, carefully taking her from his shoulder and placing her carefully into her seat. Cleo sat there quietly staring out the window before she spoke:"So where are we going?"

"To talk to the lawyer of course. Then go to a hotel and stay there for the weekend since that will be all the time I need for me to find and buy us a new mansion as well as get our money back for what we paid for the other one."  Carlos replied as he turned the steering wheel of the car and drove away from the island and began heading towards the town centre.

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