Chapter 26

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About 10 minutes passed before a familiar voice suddenly shouted his name, causing him to turn his head in the direction of the voice as it grew closer. "Carlos!" Cleo called out to her husband, hurrying over to the car. She opened the passenger side door and jumped in before Carlos could answer her. "Thank goodness you'e ok!" Carlos exclaimed with relief. "Yes, everything is fine. But the lawyer is not answering his phone. And I am starting to get worried now." She replied. Carlos sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He needed a break and needed to call in reinforcements. "Alright, let's go back to our temporary home. I will call our gang and tell them what to do while you go on our computer and start looking for a new permanent home for us." Carlos said. " That is a good idea." Cleo responded as she put on her seatbelt. Let's hope that nothing bad happens before we get back." "Yeah...let's hope."

The next day, Carlos was sitting in his office, staring absentmindedly into the screen of his laptop while he waited patiently for the others to arrive for the meeting with him. He wasn't expecting much progress on the search, but after spending a few extra minutes staring at the screen hoping for a response from the internet he decided it would probably do more harm than good to continue looking without anything promising happening. Finally, Carlos stood up and headed for the conference room. A quick glance at his wristwatch confirmed that he still had 15 minutes left before everyone else arrives. When Carlos entered the room he instantly spotted Cleo, who was currently sat at his table typing frantically. He sighed, wondering why they couldn't just call her lawyer and give him the money for this ridiculous case. "Hey babe. So how are things on the search for a new home? Any news yet?" Carlos asked casually, plopping into a chair in front of her desk. " Not really, but I have narrowed it down a little. It should only take a short while." Cleo responded before turning back to her computer screen, continuing to type as fast as possible.

Carlos watched her for a moment before reaching over and gently placing his hands on top of hers. "What are you doing honey?" he asked curiously. Cleo shrugged her shoulders before continuing typing while still looking up at Carlos' face. He smiled lightly at the sight of Cleo's beautiful blue eyes gazing at him adoringly, her soft cheeks slightly rosy and a hint of pink in her cheeks. "Nothing just enjoying watching you work~" Carlos teased, squeezing Cleo'a hand tightly as he tried not to blush too, noticing that Cleo' face flushed bright red upon hearing his words. Carlos couldn't help but chuckle, pulling Cleo closer to himself and planting a gentle kiss on her lips to try and hide his embarrassment. Cleo happily leaned into his embrace, smiling sweetly and pressing their noses together as she rested her head on his shoulder comfortably. They stayed like that for a while, until Cleo broke away from their kiss, placing another lingering sweet kiss on his cheek before saying:" Well I'm done with the search. If everything goes smoothly I could have an address for you within a matter of days and we'e home." "Good because I'm bored as hell and hungry for some food." Carlos remarked, earning a chuckle from Cleo. "Don't worry I will order a nice dinner for you and you can pick it up on your way home. Now let's get going and meet the lawyer." Cleo replied before pushing herself out of the chair and making her way over to the table with Carlos trailing closely beside her. "You know if I was the lawyer and you were the client, we'd definitely be having sex during this conversation." Carlos commented, leaning forward and nuzzling his nose against Cleo's neck. She giggled at his comment before wrapping an arm around his waist as she led him towards their door." I know. It is a shame because that would have been quite fun." Cleo answered jokingly. "Mmm...if only...but that isn't even half the fun I have in store for you." Carlos chuckled. "Oh really? I bet you're going to show me what's left of it~" Cleo replied. Carlos wrapped his arms around Cleo'a waist as she reached down to open the door." Yes I am, and I'm going to make damn sure you're moaning my name by the end of the night~" Carlos promised darkly. The two made their way inside the building, and Carlos held onto Cleo's elbow, keeping close beside her the whole journey up to the office. After they rang the bell, Carlos pulled Cleo close to his chest and placed his mouth on Cleo's ear." Are you sure you don'e want to wait until tomorrow?" He whispered seductively. "I don't want to wait, but there might be another problem with the speed. So we better do it now and he better hurry the fuck up before I pull out my gun. Because I don't intend on letting him walk out of here with that money and without getting that damn fucking mansion." Carlos could hear Cleo's voice slightly ragged with anger as she threatened the man on the other end of the line. Before Carlos had time to ask what she was talking about, someone suddenly came opening the door and ushered them inside quickly. "Here they are! Let me introduce myself!" the man exclaimed. Cleo let out a groan and rolled her eyes," This isn't what I had in mind when I agreed to be a part of this." Carlos snickered lightly. "Ok so I'm David, CEO of Fenton & Co and I would like to extend an offer to you both." David stated. Carlos' eyebrows knitted together slightly," And what kind of offer is that? We haven't agreed to anything yet. So what do you mean by that offer?" Carlos asked suspiciously." Well you see-" Before David could finish his sentence Carlos interrupted "We've already given an answer David, please just get to the point because I want to buy this mansion and get in that house as soon as fucking possible so I can finally spend good and comfortable nights with my wife. Oh and in case you have forgotten WE ARE THE MARIOTTIS! THE MOST DANGEROUS AND MERCILESS MAFIA KING AND QUEEN! I DON'T WANT ANY FUCKING BABY TRAPS TO GET IN THE WAY OF THAT! SO JUST GIVE US THAT WORD NOW OR I'LL HAVE MY SEXIST ASS SHOT OFF AND THEN YOUR HEAD WILL BE ON MY GRANDMAS BATHROOM MIRROR!" Carlos yelled at David as he continued pacing back and forth. David looked stunned and started to shiver in fear. "Won't someone come and collect your body soon?" Cleo asked with annoyance as she watched him shaking uncontrollably." You won't touch him Cleo! Just wait until you've heard what he has to say..." Carlos replied angrily, shooting a look at Cleo which clearly meant she'e to stay quiet until David finished talking. Cleo simply crossed her arms across her chest as she glared at David, not budging one bit from her position. Eventually Carlos stopped pacing and faced David with a smug grin. "You know that girl over there? Yeah well she's the boss of my business and the boss of me." Carlos boasted with a cocky grin." Then you must have realized that she's not very fond of you right now. So I suggest you think twice about the next thing you say." David replied.

Cleo scowled, narrowing her eyes dangerously. David turned to Cleo and began speaking again. "My offer is this: I'll sell you the mansion for 900,000 pesos instead of 3 billion. What do you think of that?" David asked. Carlos stared in disbelief. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Do you honestly expect us to believe that? And why should we listen to your shitty terms anyway? I don't think I want to deal with any more deals like this. Besides if I did agree to your terms then what makes you think that we'll actually give you 100,000 per year instead of the original price? So no offense or anything but you seem like a pretty stupid guy." Carlos explained. "Carlos! Watch your language!" Cleo snapped, causing Carlos to roll his eyes in annoyance. "Look you dumbass! If we didn't accept your stupid fucking conditions, we never would have found our perfect home. Now shut up and pay attention before you make yourself regret it!!" Cleo added furiously. Carlos gave Cleo a disapproving stare before nodding reluctantly. "Very well then. Here are my terms. One million pesos plus the price of the mansion and the mansion itself and all of its contents." David said before handing a contract to Carlos. Carlos quickly read through the contract, nodding and signing his own name when needed. Once he finished signing the contract, he took a deep breath before looking at Cleo and handing her the contract as well, before grabbing David's collar and dragging him outside the office forcefully.

Once they were outside, Cleo threw David to the floor, glaring at him menacingly before picking him up roughly and throwing him to the ground once again. "How dare you talk to my husband like that! Do you understand who he is? Or how important his family is to him? Or where he comes from! Don't talk to him like that ever again! Got it?" Cleo growled, holding onto David's shirt tightly, her nails digging deeply into his skin before letting him fall on the floor and pulling out her rose gold gun. David stared up at Cleo in shock and fear as Cleo pointed the gun at him, not even flinching as he realized he wouldn't make it out alive. "I'll take care of that for you wifey. I don't want your outfit to get ruined since you forgot to pack an extra outfit." Carlos announced coldly, raising a single brow at David. "'t shoot me...I'll give you whatever you want!!" Carlos looked at his wife and gave her the OK to speak. "We Want the entire estate with everything included for free. We also want to be the sole owners of it. So tell us, when can we move in to our new house?" Cleo asked. "I can get it done within 2 days if that is ok with you and your husband." David replied with wide fearful eyes. "Yes...yes, that's will be." Cleo replied before putting the gun away and helping David off the ground. "Now leave before I change my mind about letting you go." David nodded before rushing away as fast as he could while Carlos turned to face his wife and grinned triumphantly. "What was that about? You know I thought you wanted to kill him." Carlos asked grinning as Cleo shook her head. "I was planning on doing that eventually. But now that I've got the place all figured out for us, it will take less than 24 hours for the mansion to be completely ours." Cleo explained gleefully.

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