Chapter 27

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After Carlos and Cleo had moved everything into the new house including all new furniture, they both decided to have a meeting with their guards and their servents, then a seprate meeting with their gang members. Carlos and Cleo sat down on the couch, while everyone else was standing behind the couches as they waited for the rest of the members to arrive. Carlos glanced over at his wife as he placed a hand gently on her shoulder." Everything alright baby?" Carlos asked softly, making Cleo turn her head towards him. "Yeah babe.. I'm fine. It's just that I really want to have kids. Can possibly try to have them now?" Cleo asked shyly. Carlos smiled and squeezed his wife gently. "Of course we can, I already discussed it with our guys. They'll help set everything up while I am making you scream for 2 days straight. " Carlos smirked evilly. "Oh...hmmm....ok..." Cleo replied, a slight blush creeping its way on her cheeks. "Don't worry, I plan to enjoy every second of this, love. Especially when I am inside your pussy." Carlos mumbled lowly as he leaned closer to her neck, causing her to gasp in pleasure. After several minutes later, everyone arrived at the same time, each one greeting Carlos excitedly. Soon after Carlos called everyone to sit down around the coffee table in the living room so they could discuss things. "Well now that we all are here, it's time for some serious discussion!" Carlos declared, glancing between all of them and waiting for everyone to be seated before continuing to speak. "Alright, we're going to need a few people to run errands for the both of us as we are planning on moving in tomorrow morning. And I'd prefer not to have anyone knowing about our new location because I don't want to risk having my baby making progress disturbed or something. So that means that only two people will get paid and the other two people need to keep a low profile. Any questions so far?" Carlos concluded.

A male servant walked up to Carlos." Master, I have a question if I may." The man asked respectfully, causing Carlos to nod slightly in reply, signalling that the servant may speak. The servant cleared his throat before asking: "Why do we have to be working in a secret organization? Surely we can get jobs somewhere else without having to be involved in something illegal!" The servant questioned. Carlos raised his eyebrow and looked at him suspiciously. Carlos turned towards his wife and noticed her eyes flashing angrily towards him. "It's true! I have a hard time believing that there is nothing shady about this organisation and that you haven't been exposed yet! What made you choose this type of life?!" She asked harshly as she stood up and grabbed the edge of the coffee table in anger. Everyone looked nervous and scared except for Carlos as he calmly watched his wife fuming with rage. He smirked inwardly before turning towards Cleo and whispering: "Go ahead Cleo. Tell them how much work you're gonna have." "Well if you hadn't brought it up, the servants would have probably figured it out on their own anyways." Cleo shot back as she sat back down, folding her arms over her chest and glaring at her husband angrily. "Okay let me explain everything to you. This is not the kind of work that you should worry about. Because the reason why we need to hide is because we do not want anyone discovering what we do. And by exposing ourselves, our work gets traced back to the cartel and you all lose all credibility. So please just stay focused on getting us that mansion and KEEP THE FUCK QUIET." Cleo stated firmly as she glared at the servants angrily. Carlos nodded slowly and sat back down. Cleo glared at the rest of the group and demanded; "NOW WHAT'S THE REASON FOR THIS CONVERSATION?!" A few of them heitated slightly, but then realised that they couldn't avoid answering. "Uh's seems that a certain someone from our team...was taken hostage by a group of thugs from another gang which we happen to be fighting against. So we came to negotiate and to help them save the person in question from these thugs. In exchange however for their help we're going to provide them the money and information they need to defeat us and win this battle. However that's assuming that they agree to all of our conditions." One of the servants replied hesitantly, earning some nods of agreement. "So basically...they are going to betray us?" Cleo asked curiously as she continued to glare at Carlos' subordinates who avoided eye contact while nodding vigorously. Cleo rolled her eyes and started laughing sarcastically. "HAHAHAHAHHA!! Are you kidding me?! How did YOU think that they would trust you guys after you kidnapped and tortured them? Well it looks like you were wrong! Good thing i wasn't too busy dealing with the cartel or I would've beat your ass for what you did to them." Cleo snarled before shaking her head and smiling smugly before saying; "You have until 10am to decide whether or not you wanna help us. If any of you decide to help us, then prepare yourselves for an interrogation by myself, Carlos and our guys. You will be stripped naked and tied to chairs with a gag in your mouth so that you can't tell anyone anything. Do you get me clear? Or, you can do my other form of punishment that isn't as bad. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to sleep." Cleo said before yawning loudly. Carlos chuckled darkly as he watched Cleo head off to the bedroom. "Come on boys, time to prepare for torture. " Carlos said, walking towards the kitchen to fetch a bottle of wine from the wine cellar. "How is she gonna tourcher us?" one of the men asked. "I don't know but the last time she did one of her tourhers she made them watch the entire series of F•R•I•E•N•D•S for a week. One entire season a day. They were not allowed to go to the bathroom except every 2 episodes. Then she did makeup on them. Everytime she finished one episode, she added another 2 episodes to it to make sure none of the contestants get bored. Then she had them eat dinner together with the rest of us and told them they could eat their food with no problem. She did this for the entire season! She has been giving us instructions ever since she got us back home and she didn't stop even after we returned to Los Angeles! She has never once asked for anything except the most basic requests which are usually given to us by her. So you'll have to learn from her on that front." Carlos replied, placing the bottle of wine on the coffee table.

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