Chapter 5

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Carlos woke up feeling a lot more refreshed than he usually feels after sleeping on the couch. He stretched and groaned happily before turning around and reaching over for Cleo who still slept soundly next to him. He ran his fingers through her brown curls, enjoying the feel of her hair in his fingers. Cleo stirred slightly and opened her bright blue eyes. "Morning." She murmured softly and snuggled closer to Carlos. "Morning." He whispered back, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Cleo's eyes flickered open and she sat upright on the couch and stared at Carlos dreamily. "Hey babe!" She said cheerfully before leaning forward and pressing her lips against his. Carlos chuckled as Cleo nuzzled into his shoulder, pulling him closer so that their bodies touched. He wrapped his arms around her and smiled softly when she moaned happily and pressed her body even closer to his. He trailed kisses down her jawline, along her neck, and eventually rested his lips on her bare shoulder. Cleo gasped and arched her back, allowing Carlos access to her soft skin. He grinned triumphantly and placed a couple of small kisses down her neck, sucking in a deep breath when he tasted her scent. Cleo tilted her head back and smiled happily as Carlos sucked and licked his mark and began trailing kisses across her stomach and breasts until he got to her very core. She gasped and shivered, arching her hips upwards to meet his touch. His lips travelled downwards and he found her sweet spot which elicited a soft moan from the girl.

Carlos stopped kissing her skin and instead laved soft kisses over her stomach, stopping briefly when he reached the middle of her stomach to suckle at her navel. He bit and sucked gently on her swollen flesh causing a moan to escape from her lips. She rolled her eyes and placed her hands on Carlos's head, stroking his short blond hair lovingly. Carlos hummed contently and took his time to explore Cleo's belly. He left a trail of wet kisses from her navel up her stomach, following the curves of her body till he reach her nipples. Cleo moaned softly when Carlos grazed her nipple lightly with his tongue and pushed her hands from his head to wrap around his neck and pull him closer, letting him know exactly what she wanted.

"More." She whimpered. Carlos chuckled and moved closer until his chest was flush against hers. He ran his hands down her sides, stopping near her waist. He slowly worked his way back up her sides until his thumbs brushed over her nipples which caused Cleo to squirm under his touch. "Please Carlos. Please." She begged softly, tightening her grip around his neck as she felt him press hot and hard against her core. Carlos groaned quietly before moving his hands back to Cleo's waist and pulling her towards his lap. She squeaked softly as she straddled his legs and leaned forward slightly, resting her forearms on either side of his face and staring down at him. Carlos leant forward and brushed his lips gently against hers. Unfortunately their moments was interrupted by Cleo getting a phone call. She answered it and said okay. We will be there. We just need to feed our dog first. Once Cleo hung up the phone Carlos asked, " Who was that?" Cleo answered, " Just one of our gang members. There was something important that we needed to talk to everyone about."

Carlos nodded understandingly. "Alright. What should we do while we wait for the others?" Carlos inquired curiously. Cleo glanced towards the kitchen. "We can probably heat up some leftover food from yesterday and then feed Stella." She suggested. "Sounds like a good idea to me." Carlos agreed, running his hand over Cleo's cheek and smiling gently. She smiled up at him gratefully before hopping off his lap and heading towards the stove. "C'mon let's get started." Carlos called out from behind her. Cleo turned to smile warmly at him before grabbing the bowl of chicken noodle soup he had heated up for her earlier and setting it on the counter before going to the mudroom ( its what we southern people call the area where you hang up coats in cubbies andin some cases, where the laundry is done) to feed Stella. Once Cleo finished feeding the dog, she came back to the living room. Carlos saw her and suggested, " Why don't we go upstairs to get ready for the meeting about our mission today ?" His wife nodded in agreement. "Okay" She said before walking over to the stairs leading to the second floor. Carlos followed suit after he grabbed the bag of dog treats that they bought from the pet store. They headed up the stairs hand in hand until Carlos pulled Cleo into his arms. "You ready to face our enemies?" he said with a smirk on his face as he pulled away slightly. She blushed slightly before nodding her head saying, "Let's go."

They walked into their bedroom and started changing. They slipped on black skinny jeans and tight fitted vests. Cleo then put on a black shirt with a leather jacket while Carlos put on a plain white tshirt that was tucked into his  black skinny jeans. While Carlos was getting dressed Cleo decided to put on some shoes and do her makeup and hair. She then looked at Carlos admiringly. "You look amazing baby." She said with a smile. Carlos smirked proudly. "Thank you babe." He replied while putting on his shoes. They then headed downstairs and went outside and waited for the rest of the gang.  As soon as the other five members of the gang showed up they all piled into Carlos's car and sped off towards the meeting spot where they would spend the whole day discussing their current mission.

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