Chapter 21

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Once they finally reached the mansion Cleo immediately jumped out of the car and ran to the entrance door. Carlos stayed in the car, watching as Cleo pushed the door open and ran towards the kitchen. The sight that met her eyes caused Cleo to instantly freeze in place. There laying on the floor was an unconscious man, with three bullet holes in his chest and blood all over the walls. "OH NO!!" Cleo gasped anxiously as she approached the person and knelt down. The man's eyes suddenly snapped open and he groaned painfully in pain as he tried to sit up. Before he could even do anything, however, Carlos appeared behind him and aimed his gun at his head. "Stay still you bastard! I dare you to move!" He barked angrily. The man froze in fear and remained completely still. "Who are you?!" Carlos demanded, glaring at the man. "My name is Daniel, sir. I work for the company that owns this house." Daniel answered quietly. "What are you doing here?! How did you get in?!" Carlos growled angrily. "I got invited. My brother has always liked that old mansion because of its beautiful views and the fresh air. I wanted to show him the view from the rooftop." Daniel informed cautiously. "So why did you attack us?!" Carlos demanded again angrily. Daniel looked around the room nervously, and then sighed and stated: "Because  he ordered me to kill you both!"

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