Chapter 4

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Carlos sat with his head resting in Cleo's lap, playing with her long brown hair while she petted him. They were currently watching a movie together and Cleo was telling Carlos random facts about the Disney films they watched when they watched them. "This one is called 'The Princess Bride'. Have you seen it before?" She asked curiously as she poked his cheek with her finger. Carlos shook his head and said, "No I haven't. Why is it called that anyway?" Cleo grinned at him. "Cause its pretty good. I think you'll love it." She said. He chuckled and nodded his head. Cleo continued explaining to Carlos why The Princess Bride was the best Disney film ever and Carlos just listened intently. When they were finished discussing Disney movies, Cleo brought her fingers to her mouth and whistled softly for their new dog to follow her.

The puppy barked happily and hopped off of the couch. Cleo stood up carefully and made her way towards the door while holding out her hands in front of her. She turned around and grinned when she heard the sound of a soft thump coming from behind her. The puppy had followed her into the living room. "Good girl." She praised the dog who started licking Cleo's face excitedly. Carlos smiled warmly at Cleo and chuckled at the cute display of affection. "Should we go to the pet store and get her a collar and other things since we finished our mission? I also decided to name her I don't want to wait till Sunday to bring her home..." she suggested shyly. Carlos nodded his head excitedly and stood up to grab his wallet and keys whilst grabbing his jacket from where it lay discarded on the kitchen counter and pulling it over his shoulders. He stopped in his tracks however when he felt Cleo grab his hand softly. "Can we...can we keep her?" She asked softly. Carlos frowned slightly and looked down at Cleo. "What?" He answered dumbfounded. Cleo swallowed thickly. "Can we keep her?" She repeated her question quietly. Carlos looked back and forth between Cleo's face and their puppy's tail wagging rapidly. Carlos smiled fondly and nodded his head. "Of course we can." He agreed softly. Cleo sighed in relief and pulled Carlos into a tight hug. Carlos wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the familiar scent. Cleo pulled back slightly and grinned lightly before pressing her lips against his briefly. Carlos hummed happily as she pulled away. Cleo chuckled and patted the puppy's head. "Alright then. Let's go." She stated cheerfully as she grabbed their jackets and slipped her shoes back on and walked ahead of Carlos. Carlos followed her closely, chuckling to himself quietly.
They reached the pet store fairly quickly. Cleo pulled open the glass door and held it open for Carlos. Once inside she lead him straight through the aisles of different toys and stuffed animals. Carlos wandered aimlessly through the aisles for a moment or two before picking up one toy and inspecting it. "Which do you like better?" He questioned Cleo as he put it back and picked another one up. Cleo shrugged and smiled. "Doesn't matter to me." She admitted. Carlos raised an eyebrow at her. "Then why do you ask?" He questioned. Carlos raised an eyebrow at her. "Then why do you ask?" He questioned. "Because..." She said, looking away and biting her lower lip. She cleared her throat and stared at Carlos determinedly. "I wanna adopt Stella" She confessed, sounding surprisingly serious all of a sudden. Carlos blinked his eyes in surprise as he stared wide eyed at Cleo. "Are you sure about this love?" He asked slowly. She sighed and nodded her head.
"Yeah. I wanna adopt her." She confirmed. Carlos didn't say anything as he thought about what she'd just said. "Okay then lets adopt her." He finally said. Cleo's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't been expecting that response. "Wait what?" She said with excitement.

"You heard me." Carlos stated calmly. "If that's what you really want then I'm fine with it. Plus since both of us want to have kids soon, its better we start off with being dog parents."
He continued as he walked over to her and lifted her chin up so he could look her directly in the eye. "So what's your decision?" He asked her sweetly. She stared at him blankly for a few seconds before smiling brightly and hugging him tightly, making Carlos chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Cleo once again. "I love you." She muttered into his chest. "I love you too. Come on let's go pay for Stella." He said, releasing her from his embrace.

Cleo laughed quietly to herself as she watched Carlos walk over to the register to pay for Stella. After spending some time together shopping they decided to go home, pack some stuff for Stella, and take her to the vet to see if they could work out a time to pick her up in the morning after they got back from the mall so that they wouldn't wake Carlos's parents or brother when they went to pick them up. When they got home they carried everything upstairs and set everything up for her. They then got dressed into their pyjamas and laid on the couch to watch a movie. They were halfway through The Little Mermaid when Carlos yawned loudly, interrupting the scene. "Come on love, let's go to bed." Carlos said gently. "But I didn't finish the film yet!" Cleo whined, trying to fight back the urge to fall asleep. "Yes you did! Your eyelids are already drooping." He chuckled amusedly.
She huffed annoyedly and leaned her head against Carlos's shoulder as he cuddled her close. "Fine, but I want to see it again later." She grumbled. Carlos smirked and kissed her temple softly. "Whatever you want love." He whispered back, earning a satisfied hum from the blonde. He chuckled and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep almost immediately after. Cleo smiled slightly and drifted off soon after Carlos.

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