Chapter 23

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A few weeks later they were finally packing up everything in the old mansion and preparing to move to a new house. Cleo picked up the last box and began walking along side Carlos. Suddenly Carlos stopped and lifted Cleo's suitcase to his shoulders before carrying her towards their car. Cleo giggled giddily at Carlos' antics, leaning forwards and resting her hands against his chest to prevent the load from slipping off. Carlos gently placed the case in the trunk and closed it, before turning to face his wife who had a large grin plastered across her face. "Ready for our new home honey?" He asked happily. Cleo nodded excitedly while grinning widely, causing Carlos to laugh lightly. He leaned forwards, grabbed his keys and opened the door before stepping aside to allow Cleo to climb in first. When she entered the car Carlos climbed in behind the wheel and reversed out of the driveway before setting off down the street. "Can I pick the music this time?" Cleo asked. "Sure why not." Carlos replied. Cleo then connected her phone to the car through Bluetooth. After that she turned up the volume. The first song Cleo decided to play was "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin. Carlos chuckled as he saw how much she loved Ricky Martín and how she sang along with the music. It gave him an idea about what he was going to do for their 2nd anniversary

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