Chapter 29

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Finally the tourcher is over. Cleo's friends let Carlos' gang go. Once the girls left all the guys started to breath in releaf. Cleo and Carlos came downstairs. "Have you guys learned your lesson?" Cleo asked the boys. All the boys nodded in agreement scared for their life. "And what did you learn from this?" Cleo asked. One of the men answered, " We learned to not disturb you or barge in without knocking. Also, that your form of torcher is actually torcher." " Good, now go and get cleaned up then you all will be going shopping with me later. WITH NO COMPLAINTS." Cleo said. "Carlos let's go. We need to go to Walgreen's to get me a pregnancy test."
Cleo said as she turned to walk away. Carlos followed her to the car. Once inside the car Cleo drove to the store and parked next to a parking space near the front entrance. Once they parked, Cleo got out and led Carlos inside the store as he followed her. "Okay, we need two boxes of pregnancy tests, please." Cleo said once they made it to the checkout line. As they waited for their turn at the cash register, Cleo glanced at Carlos and couldn't help but admire his handsome face as he concentrated on paying for the pregnancy test.  After they paid for the stuff the couple decided to go home. Cleo sat in the passenger seat as Carlos navigated their way home. After 15 minutes of driving Cleo suddenly felt nauseous. Cleo started feeling dizzy as she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach, which grew stronger by the second. Cleo started sweating profusely and was panting heavily.   Carlos noticed Cleo looking extremely pale and worried. "Sweetheart you okay? Are you gonna throw up?" Carlos asked concerned. "No, I don't want to. It just feels weird." Cleo replied.  Carlos parked the car outside of their house and turned to look at Cleo.  "Do you want me to carry you in? Because I can." Carlos offered. "No, I'll be fine. Go ahead and get changed, I'll meet you inside." Cleo replied.  Cleo stood and slowly walked towards the door. As soon as she stepped foot into the house, Cleo immediately headed straight for the bathroom. As Cleo entered the bathroom she found Carlos leaning over the sink, staring blankly into space with a confused expression on his face. Cleo quickly made her way to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. Once Cleo spotted the test box she took it out and placed it on the counter. When the test read positive Cleo looked at the test for any other clues she may have missed. After a while, Cleo placed the test box back in its place, closed the cabinet, and walked back into the bedroom. 
When Cleo walked into the bedroom she saw Carlos sitting on the bed watching TV whilst sipping some beer. "Hey baby." He said, placing his beer glass on the coffee table as he got up and wrapped his arms around Cleo.  "Hi." Cleo replied as she laid her head on his shoulder. "You know... I think this might be the first time ever that I've seen you look sick." Carlos mused as he rested his chin on Cleo's head. "You've probably never even seen me vomit." Cleo giggled. "Well, whatever happened you need to see a doctor. Maybe tomorrow we can take you to one." Carlos suggested. "Maybe. Let's wait till tomorrow. Right now I just want to cuddle with you." Cleo said as she snuggled up close to Carlos. Cleo sighed and closed her eyes enjoying the moment as Carlos ran his fingers through her hair.  Carlos placed a kiss on the crown of Cleo's head and held her tight. A little while later, they both fell asleep tangled in each other's arms.  

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