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70 parts, I'm crying 😭😭😭
I didn't expect this to go past 30 chapters but these two characters have given me so much to write about (and hopefully more to write about). I genuinely appreciate all the love and commentary y'all leaving on this story. Reading the comments makes my whole day, y'all make me laugh sooooo much and always have great insight. I live for the divide between team Carter and team Nico because at this point they're equally terrible lol!
But enough of that now onto the story....


I've been watching for the signs, took a trip to clear my mind, oh
Now I'm even more lost, you're still so fine, oh my, all mineee...

Nico knocked softly at the front door. She woke up early that morning with the sunrise, out of pure habit, as it had been her schedule for the last week straight, even though she was home now from her vacation.

She spent the entirety of yesterday sleeping as soon as her head hit the pillow, and woke up this morning like she hadn't been out for nearly 12 hours.

She spent her morning tidying up her apartment as she'd left some food to go bad in the fridge while she was gone.

And once she was finished, she waited anxiously for Carter to call her to let her know he was going to be on his way.

But when 12 o'clock came around, she couldn't wait for him any longer, and decided to be the one to go over. She still had to see her parents and sister, so her whole day couldn't be spent waiting for Carter.

She called him when she was already on her way and he sounded like he was still asleep, so she hoped that ended over the drive.

Her car that morning nearly died on her, as it hadn't been started in so long it wanted to act up like it forgot how to work. These days, she didn't ask much out that thing, just that it got her from point A to point B, and it did just that.

She finally heard shuffling behind the door after waiting for a minute too long where she considered maybe he was still asleep.

He pulled the door open, and he didn't look like he was sleeping at all anymore. He looked refreshed, and seeing his face removed the wave of anxiousness from off of her almost instantly.

It was like this feeling that came over her body as a sigh left her lips.

It felt great to see her face, and he immediately smiled.

"You look amazing," he said, in awe of the way her face glowed from her tan.

"Thank you.."

She walked into his waiting arms and hugged him, her fingers clutching the material of his shirt tight in her fingers.

Nico took a deep breath.

He was real.

This was real.

Carter scent was always very fresh. He never smelled too much like a cologne or a scent in particular, he just kind of had his own, organically, fresh smelling aroma.

They stood there for a while, just rocking back in forth from foot to foot as they held each other close.

Carter leaned down and kissed the top of her head, and Nico's eyes shut closed at the peaceful feeling.

They were only interrupted by Nala's moaning.

Her eyes opened, and her gaze shifted to the cat laying on the couch. She didn't even come to the door to greet her, which was so unlike Nala, so Nico knew for sure something was wrong.

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