Chapter 28

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Nico POV

As Will walked in, I could feel the butterflies get a bit worse. 

“Hey.” he says 

“Hi.” the room falls a bit silent as he walks to his chair and pulls it closer to my bed. I find myself trying to sit up more and face him. I wring my hands together and try to soften the frown I have on my face. Once he sits, I can see that he's just as worried. 

“Jason filled you in?” 

“Yeah…” I think silently for a moment. I just dont want to come across as some loser. 

Will I think can sense this as he goes, “You dont want me to go? I mean, i understa-”

“No, it’s not that; I do want you to go, “my voice gets small as I continue on. “But will you be okay? You've had hardships, and I dont want to add on to them. I dont want you to experience and feel what I have. It feels the opposite of what a significant annoyance should do….” I wrap an arm across my chest a bit defensively. I dont really look at him, just at the wall next to me. I shake my head as I feel anger bubbling up, “I am being pretty pathetic, I used to be stronger than this-” 

“No, you are strong. I dont care if it's dangerous, and I dont even care in the slightest if I see the worse parts of you. But what I do care about at this moment is if you are okay with me helping,” He starts folding his hands in front of his chest with his hands pointed at himself, “I might step over boundaries, and I dont want to do anything that you might hate me for. This is important but also super sensitive.” 

He speaks more softly but with a hint of something else im not understanding, “Look, i get it if you just want jason-” 

“You're not listening to me; I do want you there.” 

“You do?” He looks a little confused, which confuses me too. 

“Yeah? Why? Never mind-” I cut myself off this time, “Look, just promise me you won't-” my voice cracks a tiny bit, “stop loving me after everything.” I look at him as I plead. 

He shakes his head at my words and smiles, “You won't shake me off that easily.” I smile at that. 

He continues on, “But I mean it; let me know if you are too uncomfortable with me helping. We can leave back to camp half-blood in a few days. I can send a message to the Hypnos cabin tonight so that they can start gathering all they need to put things in motion.” I nod my head. 

“Will… Just make sure to ask Jason about his experiences. I dont know how this will go exactly but I know it is Phobetor doing all this. He is considered a minor god, but I think we might need more research on him… I just know that everything gets worse as it gets closer to Christmas.”  

Will gets up and hugs will, “ill talk to jason right now, I need to call the motel and make sure theres still a room available.” I cant help but perk up to that, “Can i come?” 

"You want to come?" He asked a little surprised. "Well duh?" I laugh a bit. 

He nods his head and I see him pull his demi phone out of his pocket. I tend to leave mine home. "Okay, I'll go call and you can pack up a bit." We smile at each other as I start getting up. I don't have much to pack anyways. 

Finished college :), graduated. ❤️

I'm also starting another book on another account thats more "professional"?

It's WintersCreativeHaven

And the story is puppy and kitten. About two twins running away from an abusive home and finding love interests in a new healthy home. Kinda edgy tho lol. Please give it a chance

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