chapter 3

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I walk in the cabin and see that he's actually asleep. I quietly walk to the dining room and set down the plates and cups. I then make my way back to his bed and lay down next to him . he looks so relaxed and peaceful. The stress is gone from around his eyes, and the frown lines around his mouth are disappearing to.

I've been trying to keep him smiling, but whenever he's alone it just re-sticks itself. Like his mind push a reset button. At least they're slowly leaving. I let out a yawn and relax my self. The last thing I see is is Nico sleeping face before I fell asleep.


It's dark, cold, and damp. I feel so numb. Its been like this for a few minutes now. I don't want to move, I don't even want to breathe. I'm too afraid that if I do the dream will alter and change. I need rest and I shouldn't wake up.

It is rare when I have dreams close to peace... But I guess it's too much to ask.

I inhaled-

And I fell.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm falling and I know, I just know where I'm heading.

Then finally - slam - I hit the ground with a crack.  I cough and cough trying to suck back the air in my lungs. I look up and around . there's suddenly enough light for me to see my surroundings.

But I know where I am.
And I don't wanna be here.

"No, no, no, no, no," I say. I hear a burst of laughter all around me.
Phobetor. "Get away from me," I yelled, still on the ground. The laughter just seems to increase. I felt anger bubbling in my chest. I clench my fist with my face still looking down on the ground.

"What's wrong?" I hear many voices speak. I just hear his steps echo as he walks around me. "You don't want to face your nightmares? Are you scared?" "Leave me alone," I say in a low growling voice. I look up at him.

All I see is shifting faces. Will, Percy, Hazel, Bianca...   I feel my gut twist. "Why would I do that?" I hear Bianca's voice coming out of his mouth. I get up and reach for my sword only to be grabbing at nothing.

"Uh uh... My realm." He then turns into Percy. "Plus what would happen if I tell people?" He says. He comes closer to me and I back away. "Away from me!" I hiss through my teeth. He takes out his sword and starts swinging at me.

I move back and back. Making sure I don't get cut.  "You should look behind you," Reyna says smiling wickedly. I turn my head and realize im at the edge of a hill. "Now turn again." I hear Percy's voice.

I don't turn. I shut my eyes close. "Don't do this to me," I whisper. I hear his laughter. "I can't wait to expose you." He says as he grabs my chin and moves it so I'm looking directly at him. 

"Expose me of what? That I'm gay? It's okay in this day and age." I say moving my face out of his hand. He starts laughing uncontrollably.

I back up just a bit more. In another blink of an eye, I see my mother. She then snarls at me and seizes my throat with her hand. "Not in this  day and age." She yells angrily. She then pushed me off the ledge and I'm falling again.

I hit the ground hard, but this time its not dark. I look up and see the old Venice I used to live in. No no no no no no no no-

"Nico Di Angelo!" I hear my mothers voice full of disgust. She's standing in front of Bianca over protectively. Bianca looks at me with a face mixed with fear and confusion.

She then yells and yells at me. Smacking me with a broken branch. Later people gather and start smacking, hitting, punching, kicking... I feel like I can't breathe. I look down my bleeding arms and notice I'm back to being a little kid. Vulnerability consumes me and I start screaming-

Its a Little Complicated ( Solangelo / Nico Di Angelo)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz