chapter 7

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Then guy covers his nose and it starts bleeding. He looks at me with wide eyes. He's shocked that an 'emo fag' messed him up.

He then seems to get angry and backs off. "Jeremy you okay bro?!" One of them asks. He has Short black hair with tan skin. He looks at me and scowls. He tightens his jaw and starts heading towards me.

"Nico, let's just go. I didn't mean to-" Adry starts but I cut him off. "No. You did nothing wrong." The guy then charges at me and swings. I was caught off guard and was hit in the stomach with such force. I shut my mouth tight making sure I don't yelp or let out a cry. I will not give them satisfaction.

He keeps giving me blows. I just straighten my back and start hitting. He swings down with his heavy fist and I grab it. I look straight into this idiots eyes and ask in a serious tone. "Do you really want to continue?"

All I get from him is more force in his fist. I tighten my grip on his fist even more and twist it. "Aaaaaaugh." He yells. He gives me his back a bit and I kick the back of His knee. He just falls in the ground.

His pals seem to freak out and back away. "Get up" I say. "You wanted mess around with us. Now get up!" My voice booms. The cold air around us seems to get colder and the earth shakes a bit. "Earth quick!" Yelps Smiles.

The guy gets up and scoffs. He just turns away and keeps walking. I turn back around and get a hug from Adry, Smiles, and Sally. Alex just gives me a smile with a look if curiosity and suspicion.  Maybe I over stayed my welcome... I´m not going to be able to hide the fact that I'm a demigod if another monster comes.

We walk and finally get to the pizza spot. We order pizza, and I surprisingly like bell pepper on mine. We talk and constantly try to keep each other from thinking to deep. Its kind if funny. When someone spaces out we tap them and talk about something. From them I've learned I have  mental illnesses. I have depression and anxiety two of few things. When I talk about my self and thoughts I tend to really feel the anxiety. Its just hard to express...

Honestly its kind of terrible. For mortals , appearing to have a mental illness such as depression instantly categorizes you and other 'normal' mortals think your like this because you want attention. It doesn't make sense to me. Another thing is that If you went back to camp and showed this ... They would label me under weak. Yet its a constant battle that most don't understand.

The thought of being an out cast at camp because of my father and being an outcast to the mortals because of how I look is irritating. I look at Adry and Adry has a dark look in his eyes. "Hey." I say as I put a hand on His. He looks up and gives me a fake smile. He's hardnt eaten anything ... "Want a bite of mine. I suggest it, its really good! I didn't think I'd like it. If anything I thought it was weird to put a vegetable on an unhealthy food." I say all this with hand motions with a pizza in my hand. One of the pepperoni flew off which make him giggle. He then shrugs and I hand him my pizza.

He takes a bite out if it and everyone seems to look impressed. I look at them weirdly and they try to go back with there usual conversation.

Adry phone rings and he picks it up. As soon as he puts it up to his ear he flinches. "Okay .... Okay ... I'll be there." He says quietly. He then hangs up and gets up from the seat. "I need to go." He says with a grim tone. "I'll walk you." I say and I stand up to. "It's fine plus your not done eating." He says with another faltering fake smile. "Its fine, plus I'm not the type to eat a lot anyways." I say the last part under my breath. He looks at me with concern but says nothing.

"I'll meet you back at your place." I say to Alex. She nods her head and goes back to the colorful conversation they were having.
Its cold outside and I shiver. "So do they bug you that often ?" I ask. I look up at the grey Sky's. The weather got colder and the streets are a bit more empty.

"You shouldn't have gotten in that fight." He says to me. "And let them mess with you? Are you serious? Who do they think they are? I should have become friends with you sooner so I could've put the message not to mess around with you." I full on rant.

"Oh and by the way. Let me know if they mess with you again. Maybe I won't fight them and just have a 'light' talk." I say softly. He just has a small smiles. He knows I don't do light conversations. "I just don't want you to get in trouble." Adry says.

"I doubt they'll ever catch me." I say with a smirk. He shakes his head grinning then turns to enter his house. I grab the back of his shirt. He stops and looks back at me. I grab his arm and lift his bracelets. "Don't think I didn't notice that flinch..." I say low and soft. The cuts had reopened up a bit. "Disinfect it and wrap it. The rubber and sweat might make it worst." I put down the bracelets and make eye contact. He nods his head and turns again.

He closes the door behind him. I instantly hear his parents screaming at him... I can't do anything because there not Greek monsters or Gods, and it pains me to walk away.

***srry almost done with the flashback***

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