chapter 5

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I close my sketch book and put it down. I didn't want my Tear's to fall onto the pages and ruin everything. I'm so tired. I sit on a chair and lay my head down on my desk.

I could feel my brain shutting down. I know what depression is and anxiety, but I don't want to deal with it. I shut my eyes tight. My mom would have disowned me or worst... I don't even know what Bia would do.

I remember everything was so strict and so scary. I can't show my actual person. I lay my head down and before I know it I fell asleep...


I hear Phobetor laughter near my right ear, but after that, I didn't feel his presence.

I look around and realized what this is... It's a memory.

It was a month after running away from camp. I was sleeping on the ground of a park. I was lost and I didn't know where I was.

I then suddenly feel a nudge on my shoulder and I jolt awake. I reach for my weapon and was about to attack. "Hey- hey. You don't want to do that. Trust me."  I look up to see a boy wearing a green and pink checkered vest and pink skirt. With all dyed green short hair and one dark brown eye with the other light amber.

Its freezing and I think she's crazy. I put away my sword and scowl at her. "What do you want?" I say angrily. "To buy you a hot meal stupid, but if you don't want -" she turns around and starts leaving.

My scowl depends. I just go back to laying down. the night sky is clear and the grass is damp. Its nothing I can't handle. I hear the stranger's footsteps stop. "I'm trying to help you out! Get your butt up!" I hear her say frustrated.

I look up at her again and frown. "Why?" I ask. "Because you're like us. Get up and come. They let me stay at the potter making spot down the street." She tells me. I sigh and get up.

I had followed her down a block until we reach a back of a building. she then grabs keys and opens the door. She walks in and says fluently, "mi casa, es tu casa." 

"Do you speak Italian too?" I ask. "No." She answers. I walk in and she locks the door behind us. The room has a couch and a sleeping bag on the floor. I see there's a microwave, a sink, a bathroom, a fridge, and a door.

"Nice place," I say. "Not mine. A friend let me crash." "Won't they be mad you brought a random stranger?" I ask. "Not if you come to one of our group's art session." She replies. " I don't know if I'm good..." "Have you tried before?" She asks me. She sits on one end of the couch and motions for me to sit too. I take the invitation and sit on the other side of it. I try to remember when was the last time I tried drawing something...

In Italy, I did it all the time, in the military school they didn't like me doing it so I stopped. "No not in a while." I answer her . "well you'll try again tomorrow. For now, what do you want to eat? Sandwich? Cup a noodle? Microwaved pizza?" She asks.

"I'll take the noodles"

Then the dream passes the time to two weeks

I wake up from sleeping in the sleeping bag. "About time you're up. The gangs waiting." She says. I yawn and stretch. I get up and look at him. he's wearing green bands and a pink hoody.

We then head outside and meet the see the rest. the majority of them are homeless and or have messed up lives. I feel someone tackle me into a hug, "NIIICOOOOOO!" I hear a small boy say .

-I'll continue the dream next chapter-

Its a Little Complicated ( Solangelo / Nico Di Angelo)Where stories live. Discover now