Chapter 15

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Jason went to his place, and I'm still in my room. 

I don't really have the energy to go out and say hi to Frank and hazel. Will already found out and I'm still scared about that. How pathetic is that? Still afraid of something even when I thought the worse was over... What am I even doing? 

I lean against the wall on my bed and I hit my head against the wall. I hear tapping on it. I forgot Rey's room is next to mine. "Sorry!" I apologize. 

I move to the floor with my back against the bed. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. 

I'm not supposed to be like this... No one else is crying .... everyone else is better at their stupid emotions. What the Hades am I doing here?                                                                                                              I put my head down and close my eyes. 

"Nico?" I snap my head up as I grab my side. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you..." Will says. It's an Iris message. I let out a breath I was holding. I have a bad habit of reaching for my sword... "Hi," I say back. I don't really know what to say. what do I say? HI, I FEEL PRETTY USELESS RIGHT NOW! HOW HAVE YOU'VE BEEN??

"How ya feeling?" He asks smiling at me. I'm glad he's not using his concerned face. That face kills. "I'm doing fine," I say with a tired voice. "It didn't look like it a minute ago..." Will says. I don't want to look at him if im being honest.  I let out a sigh and lean my head back. "I don't know," Nico says. "Don't know what?" He asks. "I don't know, everything sucks." "Do you want to actually let me in on what you're saying I don't know too?" "I don't know how to feel like everyone else." I say, and continue, " I feel pretty stupid." 

"Well, I cant, but I wish I could say that I understand. All I could do is listen and be here for you." Will tells me. "How are they?" He asks. I then look at him questioning on what he's referring to. He holds up his hand in a fist and points at his wrist. "Oh." I roll up my sleeves and undo my bandages. I then show him. "Okay, they are healing nicely." He says and then I put my arms down. "Sorry." I say quietly. " you don't need to say sorry for anything."

"I just don't know what to do." My voice is starting to get shaky. I just clench my jaw. "Well people say that it helps if you talk and let other people in...." He says. "How do you even do that? Wouldnt that just be pathetic? What if-" "If they are friends, they will help you. If they act like jerks, ill give infect their wounds after creating them." will says in a serious tone. I smirk at that. I rub my eyes. "Should I go to let you sleep?" He asks. " No, it's fine. Im not going to be able to sleep..." I say. I don't know what else to talk about. " I don't know what to talk about," I say what I think. "Well, you could tell me where you hide the blades." He says. His expression is unreadable. 

"Will..." I don't want to hurt him, but I don't want him to see my things. I don't want that side of me to be seen. "Nico." Will replies. "I have it somewhere. I promise I'll give it to you when I come back. " I say. "You brought it with you?" "No, amore." I answer.  "Okay, im going to trust you..." he says. "Well dinners going to start..." "go, have fun for me and don't let Leo sing," I say smiling at him. He chuckles,  then says, "bye, I miss you, and try talking about it with friends." "Bye, I miss you too. I'll... try"

and like that, the call ended with my mind still a mess.

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