chapter 20

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(Back to Nicos pov)

"Im sorry, I just couldn't. I couldn't," I say through sobs. I want to so badly to recollect myself, but it's too late. I just hug Percy pack tightly. 

I hear hazel confused in the background, and Frank trying his best to explain... Jason is now next to me rubbing comforting circles on my back while Perce is still hugging me. The hug was unexpecting. I thought he was going to strike at me or yell at me angrily. I did do something so stupid. 

But the hit never came. 

Reyna clears her throat, and i twist my neck to look at her. The Hugging stops and now Jason has an arm over my shoulder. I take another deep breath in and wipe the tears from my eyes as best as I could. Of course I fail at not crying but I just feel like I need to do something.

I take a shaky breath in. Everyone is quiet in the room and they move back to sit in their seats. I feel everyone's eyes on me, it makes me feel like I need to shrink. I move my arms from view and back onto my lap. "Will saw them and told me I should talk about it after he healed most of it. He said that I should talk about it with family." I said, trying to keep clarity in my voice. Hazel looked taken a back and shocked.

I feel really guilty for it all. "It's just- it's around Christmas, " I strain to say the words. I started feeling extremely tense and boxed in. "Hey, " Rey says softly as she places a hand on my shoulder, "if you don't feel ready to talk about it, that's fine." I shake my head. "You know how I would disappear from camp for months, if not years? I would hide somewhere with mortals. One year, I made friends with a group of some mortals... Well all mortals except for one."

"But anyways, one of my mortal friends named Adrian committed suicide on Christmas eve. Ever since then, around this time, any gods of pain inflict harm on me in anyway." I shake my head and close my eyes. It's so funny, it's always me isn't it? 

I clench my teeth. "Why?" Hazel asks quietly. She is shaking a little, she's trying really hard to keep it together. I feel pain in my chest, I don't like causing them pain like this. "They like to feed off of me around this time."

"When your the most vulnerable." Jason concluded. "Who's doing it this time?" Asks Percy. He seems angry, muscles tense and eyebrows forward.

I let out a sigh,
I have to explain everything.


Hey guys. SORRY.
I've been writing this thing since maybe early high school? Now im in college. I randomly remember I have this fic when someone likes it or comments  💀. I'll keep working on it, I also got better at art UwU. Lmao.

Im a business major soo, sorry if im still lagging on here. 

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