Chapter 14

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My anxiety spiked and I instantly looked at Jason. He just looks confused at them and I feel a bit relieved. When he was going to turn to me I turn back and look out the window. This is Hades.


I wake up with Jason shaking me. "Dude you okay?" I feel a sharp pain in my head. I wince. "You okay? You hit your head pretty hard..." Jason starts checking my head. "You're not bleeding so that's good." He says smiling. I smirked at that. "maybe its good to have a hard head."

we get off the car and walk. Instead of walking through the stupid statue dude I know a shortcut... We walk more to the left and into the forest. Near the edge is a cave. "Come on," I tell Jason. I grab his arm as I lead him through the dark. "Nico how do you know this place?..." "I and Hazel had made it a while ago... when she was still new to this world." I smile at the memories of her taming her own powers..."Don't worry, Reyna knows about this way and it leads to one of her rooms..." I say. "Of what place?" Jasons asks. "Her own home," I say. 

Jason looks surprised. Reyna hardly shares about her private anything. As the tunnels reach total darkness crystals start illuminating the place.  We stopped at four roads. The crystals colors changed... Purple crystals for Rey, blue for Perce, yellow for unwanted followers, and red for Haze. Jasons still holding on to me. I don't mind because its Jason. "Come on, purples for Reyna. " "Okay." His hands slip down to my wrist. I don't flinch and I pretend like there is no pain.

We make it to the end... There are stairs and we start climbing. I open the door to my room. Its pretty blank except for my metho cards I keep somewhere safe... I don't know any other better place to keep them from harm. I suppress a smile on my lips and walk quietly to the door. I open it to the hallway and walk down. Jasons close behind me. I walk into the living room where she looks like she's deep in work. "Hey," I say quietly. She looks up and smiles. "Nico, Jason, I was wondering when you guys were going to get here. Was the travel safe?" She says. "We missed you, Rey," Jason says as she goes up to her for a hug. "Yes, travels were safe beside me getting hit int he head..." I say. Jason laughs as he says, " Yeah one minute he was looking worried the next he was unconsciously moving throughout the car. Looking like a puppet." 

Reyna laughs, "We have doctors to look at that bump." "Nah, I have Will," I say. "You are odd, most couples bring presents after being apart for a time, and you decide to bring a concussion," Jason says. The room is filled with more laughter. 

Its a Little Complicated ( Solangelo / Nico Di Angelo)Where stories live. Discover now