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Washington, D

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Washington, D.C. 2014 

Sam had finally made his way into his assigned helicarrier and placed the chip into the slot. 

"Bravo locked," he breathed, exhausted already from the fight. It wasn't quite over but Sam was looking forward to the drink he was going to have after this. 

"Two down, one to go," Maria communicated as Dolores made her way through the crowd of enemies, finally getting to high enough ground to get a ride from her Falcon-like teammate. 

"Wilson! I could use a ride!" She called, just as the sound of mechanical whooshing filled her ears. Sam snatched her up, heading towards the third helicarrier and dropping her off on a platform. 

SHIELD agents in aircrafts began fighting back against Hydra agents, providing some relief to the three heroes. Just as Dolores found her footing on the helicarrier, a metal arm reached out and attempted to swat her off the platform. 

"Dottie!" Sam called, swooping back around to help. It didn't last long as the Soldier grabbed onto one of his metal wings, ripping it off of his suit and throwing him to the ground. 

"Sam! Steve, Sam's lost a wing and he's falling!" She screamed, dodging the metal arm that continued to slash at her. She lost her balance and flung herself off the platform, managing to find a place to grip before plummeting the rest of the way down. 

"I'm okay, Dottie! I had a parachute, but I'm grounded and my suit is out. Are you okay?" Sam's voice flooded her ears and she breathed out. 

"I'm still on the aircraft. I'll be alright," she grunted, hauling herself up and back to a stable standing position. Sam made his way to the boardroom where Natasha was confronting Pierce with Nick, getting ready to help as Rumlow was making his way up. 

"I'm coming to you!" Steve called, getting ready to attach himself to an aircraft that was flying by. He was able to jump on just in time to rip the top off, throwing the Hydra agent out and climbing in to make his way to his friend. 

Just as Dolores caught her breath, she came face to face with the Solider. She froze, watching him closely and noticing how he looked so much like her James and yet nothing like him. His hair was longer, almost down to his shoulders, and his eyes were dead. 

"People are gonna die, James. I have to do this," she muttered, determined to save people and not let her emotions get in the way. 

The Soldier stared at the beautiful girl with a few cuts and scrapes on her face. He couldn't help but feel like she was someone he knew, and when she called him James something stirred inside him, but he ignored it and continued to stand his ground. 

"Please don't make me do this," she pleaded. He would not back down. 

Dolores sighed, jumping into action suddenly and slashing at the Soldier with her knives. He dodged almost all of her attacks, but one slash came through on his cheek. She managed to bring the targeting blade system up, but the Solider side kicks her, causing the chip to fly out of her hand and to the glass below. 

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