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Germany, 2016

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Germany, 2016

Steve pulled into the overpass area in his small yellow bug that he was able to find and use when the four friends joined together again. Sam was in the passenger seat while Bucky and Dolores were stuck in the cramped back seat. 

"Stay here," Steve nodded, getting out of the car to meet Sharon Carter, who was waiting for him a few meters away. As Steve left the vehicle, Bucky shifted uncomfortably. 

"I better not catch you two teenage dirtbags making out behind me," Sam grumbled. Dottie scoffed, rolling her eyes at her sour friend and sending a teasing smile to Bucky. 

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asks, groaning as his legs felt as if they were falling asleep. 

"No," Sam answered, his arms crossed and his eyes never leaving Steve and Sharon who were conversing as she revealed the gear that she had apprehended for them. 

"C'mon, bird-man. He's a big fellow," Dottie chuckled as Sam glared at her. 

All three individuals shut up the second they saw Steve lean in for a kiss and hold onto Sharon passionately as the two shared a moment. Dottie could feel the smirks rise up on Bucky and Sam's faces, but she couldn't help but feel her heartache for the future Steve never got with Peggy. She knew that they would have never been able to make it work, and mourning the loss of one of her best friends was horrible for Dottie, but she felt that Peggy and Steve deserved a different ending. 

When Steve approached the car with the gear, he rolled his eyes at the two men giving him suggestive looks. 

"How long has it been since you've kissed a woman, Steve?" Bucky asked, throwing an arm around Dolores. 

"A while," he grumbled, buckling his seat after handing Sam the gear, starting the car and driving towards the airport. His eyes caught Dottie's in the rearview mirror, watching the sadness and melancholy float around in her gaze. He knew exactly why. 


The old, beat-up, car pulled its way into the Leipzig/Halle airport, causing Dolores and Bucky to lurch as Steve pulled into a spot beside a grey van. When Clint Barton hopped out of the front seat, Dottie rushed to sneak behind Sam's seat, running to greet her friend whom she had not seen in a long time. 

"Dottie," Clint breathed, holding on tightly to the girl with a smile on his face. Dolores had the rare honour of getting to spend time with the Barton family when she was injured for a long period of time after an intense mission. The Barton family took her in when her mental health could not stand to stay in the cold, robotic atmosphere of the Stark Tower. During that time, she had gotten close to Clint and his wife, Laura. 

"Clint, you have no idea how good it is to see you," Dottie smiled, pulling away from the hug as he patted her back gently. He nodded towards Steve as the three other men toppled out of the small vehicle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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