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Brooklyn, NY, July 21st, 1936

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Brooklyn, NY, July 21st, 1936

"Dottie! Wake up!" The screams of her younger sister caused Dolores to spring up out of her bed and rush down the stairs.

"What's going on? Are you okay-" The ginger cut herself off as she stared at the sight in front of her. Her family sat around the table- including Bucky- with bright smiles on their faces. A beautiful cake was on display, filled with 19 candles. Dolores felt her eyes well up and a smile spread on her face.

"Happy birthday, darling," Ernest Goodwin smiled, walking up to his daughter and pulling her towards him in a hug.

"You bunch are just the sweetest," she chuckled, embracing her Father before rushing to her Mom and baby sister, grasping the two of them fiercely. Once their hug was over, the young girl turned to her boyfriend.

"Hello, doll. Happy birthday," Bucky smiled sweetly, grasping her hand tightly and slowly pulling her towards the front door.

"James! I'm still in my pyjamas," Dolores giggled.

"I know, I just need to do this," Bucky gripped her waist tightly once they were on the other side of the door. He pulled her in and placed a loving kiss on her lips, melting her on the spot. The kiss lasted quite a few seconds before the boy slowly pulled away, smiling like a goon at his girl. "And I didn't want your family to watch," he giggled, and Dolores adored the sound.

Once they were back in the house, the family sat down to a beautiful breakfast prepared by Eleanor and Alice. All of Dottie's favourites were laid out; pancakes with fresh berry syrup, fresh fruits and cinnamon oatmeal. There was even a small bowl of chocolate shavings to top off the pancakes.

"Mrs.Goodwin, you've outdone yourself," Bucky smiled widely, grasping Dottie's hand under the table.

"Why thank you, Bucky. You keep calling me Mrs. Goodwin, and I've told you time and time again to call me Alice," she scolded lightly, trying not to smile widely at the boy she knew her daughter was head over heels for.

"Sorry Alice, a force of habit. My Mom always tells me to address those I respect in a formal manner," Dolores almost laughed at how much of a suck-up he was, but she knew her mother loved him.

"Tell Winnie that I miss her and she ought to come over for dinner soon," Alice smiled, watching as her daughter smiled silently at her love.

"Will do ma'am- Alice," Bucky corrected himself with a smile. Eleanor perked up, placing her chin on her knuckles as she beamed up at Bucky.

"So Bucky- now that you and Dottie are both 19 are you going to get married?" She asked blatantly, and Dolores almost choked on her pancakes.

"Nell!" Alice chided as Ernest lightly whacked her head with a newspaper. Dottie covered her face in embarrassment.

Bucky let out a hearty laugh and leaned over, rubbing the younger girl's hair.

"Not quite. I think we're still a bit young for that. But soon," he smiled brightly, causing Dolores to stare at him with wide eyes.


After breakfast, Dolores rushed to get ready as she planned on meeting Essie, Roy and Steve at the local diner with Bucky for milkshakes. She jumped down the stairs in her light yellow dress, letting it cascade around her as Bucky stared up in wonder at her effortless beauty.

"You look stunning, doll," he smiled, earning a chaste kiss on the lips. They left, seeing Steve only a block up from them.

"Hey, punk!" Bucky called out. Steve spun around with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, jerk," he greeted, spotting Dolores and instantly brightening up.

"Dottie, happy birthday!" He gave her a tight squeeze as she chuckled at her two best friends.

"Thanks, Steve-o." Dolores pulled back just in time to see how dull his eyes looked, surrounded by purple skin under them.

"Hey.. everything okay? Is Sarah still not doing all that well?" Dottie whispered, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. He took a deep breath.

"No, she's still pretty sick. Doctors say she might not pull through... anyway, it's your birthday, Dee! Let's go celebrate and stop moping around," Steve plastered a smile on his face and began leading his friends away but Bucky's grasp on his arm stopped him.

"Y'know, we're always here for you pal. Dot and I... we're not going anywhere. We'll fight through this with you.. 'til the end of the line," Bucky mumbled, giving his best friend's arm a squeeze.

"I know. Thank you. I love you guys. Now let's go!" Steve smiled again, grabbing both of their arms and hooking them with his, pulling roughly down the street.

Once the trio arrived at the diner, they sat in a booth beside a window just in time for Roy and Essie to arrive. The group began laughing and enjoying their time like never before. It wasn't until the sun had gone down and the diner had nearly cleared out that the friends realized how late they had stayed. 

"Well, we better get going. We have a lot of work to do soon so..." Esther smiled sheepishly at her best friend as Dolores furrowed her brows. 

"What do you mean?" Just as Dolores had finished her sentence, she had finally noticed the glimmering ring that sat on Esther's left ring finger. 

"ESSIE?!" She suddenly shouted, jumping out of her seat at the edge of the booth to grab Esther's left hand, gazing at the ring with tears welling in her eyes. 

"He proposed yesterday while we were walking around a beautiful park. I know we're young and some people might think it isn't the smartest thing but we just love each other so much-" 

"Essie, I am so unbelievably happy for the both of you!" Dolores interrupted her friend's nervous rambling, wrapping her up in a large hug and spinning her around. Steve and Bucky shook Roy's hand with smiles on their faces, congratulating him on this new step in their lives. 

When all the chaos had died down and Esther and Roy left with smiles on their faces, the three friends made their way back to Steve's house first to drop him off. Steve wished Dolores one more happy birthday as he waved the couple off to make their way to the Goodwin household. 

"Wow, Essie's getting married. That's amazing!" Dolores sighed, leaning her head onto Bucky's arm as they looked up at the stars on their walk. 

"I know. It kinda makes you wonder," Bucky sighed softly, causing Dolores to turn her eyes back to him. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well... do you ever think about getting married? To me, I mean?" Bucky blushed heavily, refusing to make eye contact with Dolores. She smiled at the man she had been dating for just over two years.

"Of course, I do, James. I love you," Dolores giggled as Bucky's eyes snapped to hers. 

"Good. Cause I think about it a lot. And I'm not saying I'm gonna propose tomorrow or anything, but I just know that... that you're the one for me, Dot. My forever girl," Bucky let his feelings out, causing Dolores to melt at the loyalty and dedication this man had for her. 

"I couldn't agree with you more. You're mine, James. I would spend the rest of my days with you," she returned her head to his arm, enjoying the feeling of knowing the man she loves wants to be with her forever. 

Bucky and Dottie are so cute I luv them 

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