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Italy, 1943

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Italy, 1943

Peggy and Colonel Phillips are in a heated debate about her reckless behaviour when a commotion begins to form outside. The two run to the entrance of the camp where men have gathered in astonishment. 

Peggy begins to tear up as she watches Steve, Dottie, and Bucky leading a crew of P.O.W's back to camp, some in vehicles that they acquired along the way, and some walking on foot. Steve's costume is torn but his head is held high. Dottie's hand is firmly grasped in Bucky's as they powerfully walk into camp, stopping in front of Colonel Phillips. 

"Colonel, some of these men need medical attention," Steve salutes him, nodding to some of the men who could not walk. Phillips nods as medics rush forward, beginning to move and treat some of the men. 

"Steve and I would like to surrender ourselves for disciplinary action," Dottie saluted the man as well, standing up tall and ready to take her punishment. Bucky was impressed with the resolve of his fiance. 

"That won't be necessary," Phillips sighs, eyeing up the two super soldiers who are covered in scrapes and bruises. 

"Sir, I-" 

"Just how many orders do you plan on disobeying, Captain?" Phillips cut Dottie off, shutting her up for a second. 

"I... I'm not a Captain, sir. I'm a woman," she mumbled a little quieter, slightly embarrassed. 

"Well, now you're both. And anybody who doesn't like it can deal with me," Phillips grunted, not liking the genuine smile that began to grow on the girl's face. 

"Yes, sir," she saluted again, grinning proudly. Peggy smiled adoringly at her friend, proud beyond words. She made her way to the two friends before turning to Steve, having to stop herself from hugging him. 

"You're late," she joked slightly. Steve pulled out the busted-up transponder with a goofy smile. 

"Sorry, I couldn't call my ride," he mused. She grinned at him as the men all erupted in cheers, calling for the, now both, Captains and crowding them. 

Bucky picked Dolores up in his arms, still a little wobbly from his injuries and the new muscle she was sporting, but still managed to plant a strong kiss on her lips. Steve smiled at his friends who were reunited, and Peggy couldn't help but steal a glance at Steve. 

"Let's get you taken care of," Dolores smiled once Bucky mostly let go of her. 

"Aye-aye, Captain," he winked causing the girl to laugh at his antics. 


Dolores sucked in a breath as a nurse wiped off more of her deeper cuts, cleaning the wounds and bandaging them with Bucky in the cot beside her, getting his own injuries cared for. 

"Sorry, miss. I know it hurts," the nurse sighed, trying her best to be gentle. 

"I know, I'll be alright," she nodded, looking over at Bucky with a smile, still in shock that she is here with him. 

"Y'know... I think what you did was the bravest thing I have ever heard of. You went to save all of those men, and you're a woman! I bet no one believed in you and you did it anyways," she mumbled, not making eye contact as she blushed slightly. 

"Thank you. What's your name?" Dottie asked with a surprised smile. 

"Mary," the nurse responded. 

"Well, Mary, I think you are doing something incredibly brave. You take care of men who are being praised for their work when no one even bats an eye at the danger you've put yourself in. Thank you for your service," Dolores smiled at the woman as she finished bandaging her up. 

"Thank you," the nurse smiled gratefully, packing up her things and nodding to Dottie, scurrying out of the medic tent. Bucky's nurse finished around the same time, packing up her things and leaving the two of them in the tent alone. 

"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, did you know that?" Bucky smiled, sliding onto the cot that Dolores was occupying. 

"Well, you're not too bad yourself, Barnes," she smiled, leaning onto his shoulder. He sighed, swinging an arm around her as he noticed her ring. 

"Hey, you didn't lose this," he smiled, picking up her left hand and admiring the way the small stone shimmered. 

"Of course not. I gotta remind the fellas that I'm your girl," she giggled, placing a gentle kiss on his neck. He grinned at the action, turning his head to face his fiance. 

"I can't believe what happened to you and Steve. Was everything okay when they did it? Do they know of any side effects? How are you feeling?" Bucky began asking, playing with Dottie's hands. 

"Well... I don't really know, James. I kind of went into this with very little information, and the man that made the serum and chose me is no longer with us, so we don't really have any answers..." Dottie sighed, realizing how complicated this whole process was. 

"Do you know if... we can still... have a family?" Bucky asked gently, not wanting to upset the girl. Dolores stopped, her heart sinking. 

"I have no idea. I didn't even ask... oh god, James, why did I do this?" She sighed, putting her head in her hands. 

"Hey, doll, don't worry. We will figure this out. At the end of the day, I have you and you have me. That's all we could ever ask for," he smiled, pulling her face out of her hands and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. 

Dottie deepened the kiss, pulling Bucky close as his hands found their way around her waist. She tugged at the hair at the base of his neck, causing him to smile into the kiss. Dolores suddenly pushed Bucky to the bed, leaning over him and holding his wrists above his head with a smirk as he stared up at her with wide eyes. 

"Damn. I gotta get used to that," he suddenly laughed, leaning up as Dolores pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. They both sat up, a little red in the face and laughing at each other. 

"Come on, Steve said something about a meeting I should be at about Hydra bases or something," Dottie chuckled, standing up. Bucky had different plans, however, as he grabbed onto her waist, bringing her down into his lap and pulling her in for one more passionate kiss. 

"I cannot wait to marry you, Dot," Bucky breathed, relieved to have his girl back in his arms. He was so proud of all that she had done, even though he wished she didn't put herself in danger. 

"Neither can I," she grinned, thinking about the day she will walk down the aisle in a white dress, professing her love to Bucky in front of all of her friends and family. 

"Let's get married the second we get out of here. You buy a fancy dress, I'll buy a suit, and we will start our lives right away. I am not wasting another second without you," Bucky held onto her hands, looking deeply into her eyes. 

"I agree. As long as you share a dance with me," Dottie giggled, standing up and beginning to walk away, holding gently onto Bucky's hand as it stretched after her. 

"Doll, I'll dance with you any time you want," Bucky gave his signature smirk as she walked out of the tent, her heart racing at the sight of the man she loved looking after her with such adoration. 

reUNITed and iT fEelS so gOOD

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