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Berlin, Germany, 2016

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Berlin, Germany, 2016

The two enhanced individuals sit in an armoured car following behind an even grander armoured vehicle that contains Bucky in a heavy isolation pod. Sam sits behind Steve and Dolores while T'Challa sits in the row in front of them. 

"So... you like cats?" Sam suddenly asks, causing Dottie to whip her head around. 

"Sam!" She whisper-yells, embarrassed by his question to the royalty in front of them. 

"What? The dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?" He argued. Steve rolled his eyes in frustration at his friend's lack of respect at times. 

"Your suit," Steve decides to intervene respectfully. "It's Vibranium?" He asks, remembering as he watched the chopper shoot bullets at him only for the amo to bounce off of the suit. 

"The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior," T'Challa begins, not looking at anyone in the car. "And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you . . . as both warrior and king . . . how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?" T'Challa finally turned to face Dottie, eyeing her down. She held her ground, looking right back until he looked away. 

They finally made their way underground, getting to the headquarters that are covered in grey slabs, built like a bunker. As the four individuals get out of the car, Bucky is seen being forklifted out of his vehicle, still contained in the isolation pod. His face is stone cold, not showing anyone fear. 

"What going to happen to him?" Dottie approached Sharon when she saw her, hoping to get some sort of information. 

"The same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition," a man interrupted before Sharon could speak. He was short, and seemed as if he maybe had some sort of anger issues, Dottie noted. 

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander," Sharon noted almost sadly. 

"What about our lawyer?" Steve asked, confused about who this man was. 

"Lawyer! That's funny. See that their weapons are placed in lock-up. We'll write you a receipt," Ross smiled sarcastically, calling out to the people handling their weapons. 

"I better not look out the window and see anyone flying around in that," Sam grumbled as some men took away his suit. Ross leads them out of the garage towards an elevator, but before they enter Dolores takes one last look at Bucky. 

He catches her eye, watching her leave. His face turns from stoic and cold to concerned and afraid. He almost has that same lost puppy look that she missed so much. She nods to Bucky, giving him silent reassurance that she is staying right here, before the elevator doors close. 

The group made their way through a glass overpass. 

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a prison cell. Do me a favour and stay in it," Ross continued in an animated fashion, making Dottie like him less and less with each passing moment. 

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