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Brooklyn, NY, September 9th, 1933

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Brooklyn, NY, September 9th, 1933

"What a day to be alive! The sun is shining, my hair looks swell, and I've got a date to the school dance!" Esther jumped around in her slightly heeled oxfords, causing her best friend, Dolores, to shake her head.

"Essie, if you don't stop swooning over your date, we're going to be late! C'mon, shake a leg!" Dolores giggled, dragging the small dark-haired girl along the sidewalk. She did not want to be late for her first day of the Eleventh Grade. This was her last year of high school, and her Momma paid good money for her to be able to get her diploma.

"Oh Dottie, when will you learn to stop being such a wet sock?" Esther mocked, earning a smack to the head.

"Hey! Watch the hair!" She whined as they got closer to the school. Dolores could feel herself getting more and more excited. Once they entered the building, her smile widened.

"Class of 1934, here we come!" Esther squealed. Dolores squealed back, tucking some of her shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair behind her ear. As they began to walk to their assigned lockers Esther made some sort of noise, catching her best friend's attention.

"Look, over there," Esther whispered, causing the young redhead to slowly turn in the direction of her friend's nod. Once she saw her friend's new catch, she rolled her eyes.

"Essie, why am I looking at your guy?" She groaned, not exactly excited that her friend was rubbing in her face the sad fact that she had a boy and Dolores didn't.

"No, not my man, the one beside him! Whoo, is he a looker," Esther fanned her face in fake swooning, perking Dolores' interest. She never paid attention to the boy beside him.

"Quick, they're coming our way!" Esther gasped, fixing up her hair quickly. Dolores didn't know what to do, as she didn't even get a look at the boy.

"Hi, Roy," Esther smiled behind Dolores, making it known that the two men were behind them.

"Hey, sweetheart," Roy walked over to the dark-haired girl, placing a kiss on her forehead and slinging his arm over her shoulder. Dolores gave him a smile, having known Roy for quite a few years now.

"Ladies, this is my new friend, James. He just started school here. James, this is my dame Essie, and her good friend Dolores," Roy introduced, and as Dolores turned slightly to her right, she almost stopped breathing. This boy- James- was one of the most attractive boys she'd ever laid eyes on. From his neatly styled, chocolate-coloured locks to his chiselled jaw and exceptionally light blue eyes, Dolores felt her cheeks turning red just by looking at him.

"Hi Essie, nice to meet you. Roy here doesn't stop talking about you. Seems he is dizzy about 'ya," he smiled warmly at Esther, but once his eyes landed on the girl beside her, he felt his heart beat a few paces faster. 

She is stunning.

"Hi. James Barnes, but my pals call me Bucky," he finally got out, picking up her hand gently and leaning down to place a small kiss on her knuckle. Dolores was melting.

"Nice to meet you, James. I'm Dolores. Most people call me Dottie," she attempted to rid her cheeks of the redness but to no avail. Bucky found it sweet.

"Well, class is going to start in a few minutes. Let's split before we're late," Roy gave Bucky a sly look, knowing that he had the hots for his girl's best friend.

The group made their way down the hall, Esther attached to Roy's side and Dolores awkwardly tagging along slightly behind where Bucky stood beside Roy. He kept peeking slightly back to catch a glimpse of the beauty behind him, still dumbfounded by her effortless good looks.

Bucky studied her curls that extended to her shoulders and were slightly pinned back on one side. He admired the small freckles that dusted along her cheeks and nose, and the light colour of her lashes that were slightly tinted by a smidge of makeup. But Bucky found her eyes to be the most captivating. They were a light green colour, but the more he tried to catch a look at them, the more brown specks he found in them. He had to stop himself from staring, or he would bump into someone.

"So, Dottie. Have you lived in Brooklyn all your life?" Bucky tried to make conversation with the girl, hoping that he would be able to form some kind of connection.

"Yeah. Born and raised. How about you?" Dolores tried to not make eye contact, as she knew that once she did she wouldn't be able to look away.

"Well, I was born in Indiana, but I moved here pretty soon after. I moved schools because the one I was going to was a little bit too expensive, so I was sent a little further to Thomas Jefferson High School." Bucky explained, moving a little further away from Esther and Roy who had started whispering to each other.

Dolores was trying to think of anything that they could talk about, wanting desperately to continue talking to Bucky but also not wanting to seem annoying.

"So.. what are your plans after high school?" She attempted, and Bucky was beyond glad that the girl wanted to keep speaking with him.

"Well, I'm not quite sure. I've considered being a doctor, or perhaps a lawyer.. maybe even military. Anything to serve my country," Bucky answered, and Dolores admired the look in his eyes when he thought about his future.

He was a man with a dream, and the ambition to make that dream happen.

Dolores shook that thought away as they reached her home economics class. She straightened out her long skirt, making sure her white blouse was still tucked neatly into her waistband.

"Well, here we are. It was a pleasure to meet you James," Dolores looked behind the boy at her best friend who was saying her own goodbyes to Roy.

"I hope we can meet again soon," she offered, and Bucky smiled warmly at the thought of seeing her again.

"I would love that. And please, you can call me Bucky, Doll," the word escaped his mouth before he could stop it, and he felt himself almost blush at what he just called her.

Sure, he was sometimes quite the flirt and he had called other girls 'doll' without even batting an eye, but there was something different about Dolores. She was intriguing, and Bucky wanted to find out more about her.

"Goodbye... James," she nodded, blushing madly as she slipped into the classroom, leaving Bucky to stare longingly at the door. Esther gave him a knowing look as she entered the classroom herself, and once she was out of sight, Roy clapped his hand on his shoulder.

"Well, now who's dizzy with a dame?" He smirked, causing Bucky to groan.

"Can it, Roy," Bucky complained as they made their way through the halls to their class.

"My pal's got a big fat crush on Dolores Mae Goodwin!" He called, causing Bucky to slap his hand over his mouth.

"Jeez, greaseball! She can still hear you!" Bucky whispered quickly dragging his friend down the hallway.

And he was right.

Dolores could hear the two out in the hall loud and clear, and the thought of James having an infatuation with her caused her heart to race.

What is happening to me?

Okay, a few disclaimers!!!!

One: this whole plot is made up by me until the point where Captain America: The First Avenger starts. I may change a few things when it comes to that too, so anything different is from my own brain!!

Two: I'm not a 1930's expert, so some things may be a bit off. I have done some research on school in the 1930's (hence it only went to grade 11) but I may change things around to make it work. I'm trying my best though!!!

Three: Steve will eventually join, yes, but this is mostly to be set in the 1930's and 1940's, but there may be some post-unfreezing events 🤗

Anyways, I hope you like this story! It's my first Bucky Barnes story so enjoy!!!

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