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London, UK, 1943

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London, UK, 1943

Five of the men present in the rescue mission were lined up on barstools in the Whip and Fiddle pub, happy to be on allied soil again. 

James Falsworth was a thin yet strong-looking British man, always sporting his maroon beret and a thin dark mustache. He was sipping a beer next to Gabe Jones, a black American soldier who was cunning, strong, and always thought things through. Down the line, Jim Morita stood leaning against the bar. He was an Asian American soldier with a slight chip on his shoulder, but a strong moral compass. Jaques Derneir was hunched over beside him, a French Resistance member with skills in mechanics and weaponry. Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan was the last of the bunch, chugging back beers like no one had ever seen while holding onto his prized bowler hat that never left his head. His mustache reached across his face and was usually trimmed properly and carefully, despite his boisterous nature. 

Bucky and Steve made their way into the bar, sitting down with the five men and explaining the plan that they had hatched in Italy with Colonel Phillips. Steve stood to start playing darts as the men stared at him, dumbfounded by the plan. 

"Let me get this straight," Dugan started before Jones interrupted him. 

"We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back?" He almost laughed at the thought. 

Steve casually tosses the dart straight into the bullseye as she shrugs. 

"Pretty much,"

The men all look at each other for a moment before Falsworth speaks up. 

"Sounds rather a good time, actually," he smirks. 

"I'm in," Morita grunts while finishing his pint. Steve stares at Dernier for a moment, waiting to see what he'll say. 

"Je combattrai jusqu'a ce que le dernier de ces batards soit mort, echaine ou bien qu'il pleure commeun nouveau-ne!" He exclaims, causing Jones, the only other French speaker, to laugh. 

"J'espere touts les trois!" He smacks his hand on Dernier's back before they turn to the others, realizing that they do not understand. 

"Oh, uh- we're in," Jones smiles. Steve finally turned to Dugan, watching as the chugged the last of his beer. 

"I'll fight. Hell, I'll always fight. But you got to do one thing for me," he stood, pointing his empty glass at Steve. 

"What is it?"

"Open a tab," he smirked, handing over the glass while the men all did the same, laughing and cheering together. Steve smiled, taking the glasses and bringing them over to the bartender while asking for another round for the men. He made his way back to the table where Bucky was sitting, nursing his own beer slowly. 

"That was the easiest battle of the war," Bucky chuckled, watching as the men crowded around the new round of beers, singing together very off-key. 

"What about you, Buck? You gonna follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Steve asked a little sarcastically. Bucky smiled, watching the men begin to dance together. 

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight? I'm following him," he smirked, giving his best friend a genuine look. 

"Have you talked about it with Dottie?" Steve asked, leaning on his elbows. 

"What is there to talk about? We're going in for a fight and we know the risks," he shrugged, knowing that he wished she was not in danger but at this point, he was worse for wear than she was in this war. 

"Well, it's dangerous. There's no guarantee either of you are going home. Are you willing to know she might have to go home alone? Better yet, are you willing to go home alone?" Steve asked, voicing the concerns he had about his two best friends. Bucky took a pause, looking up as Peggy and Dolores made their way into the bar, silencing the men who were singing. 

Peggy was in a beautiful red dress, causing Steve's eyes to widen, and Dolores was in a cream-coloured dress that hugged her curves beautifully. She somehow looked so strong and yet so delicate. Bucky smiled warmly at the sight of the love of his life. 

"I'm willing to do anything for that girl. She means more to me than life itself," he mumbled, standing with Steve as Dolores and Peggy made their way to them. As the women passed the drunk men, Dugan stood up with a smile. 

"Agent Carter, Lady Goodwin," he smirked, saluting them in a drunk fashion. The girls chuckled. 

"It's Captain Goodwin, Dugan," Dottie jutted out her hip, grinning at the man who laughed, impressed with her resolve. 

"My mistake, Captain," he chuckled warmly, sitting back down with the men as Bucky made his way to Dottie, slinging an arm around her and noting that in her small heels, she was almost exactly his height now. 

"So, boys. Howard's got some equipment for Steve and me to try in the morning," Dottie smiled, peering at how dumbfounded Steve was over Peggy. 

"Captain," she nodded to Steve who gulped. 

"Agent Carter," he nodded, sweating a little. 

"Hello? Did anyone hear what I said?" Dottie interrupted, causing Bucky to cover his laugh with his hand. 

"That sounds fine," Steve nodded, obviously not really paying attention. Dolores rolled her eyes but secretly smiled. She and Peggy spent 20 minutes picking out the perfect dress, and it obviously worked. 

They turned their heads to the group of drunk men who began singing again, terribly. 

"I see your crack squad is prepping for duty," Peggy smiled, enjoying the entertainment. 

"You don't like music?" Bucky asked, chuckling at his joke. 

"I do, actually. I may even, after all this is over, go dancing," she shot Steve a look, bringing a sly smile to Dottie's face. Bucky seemed a little confused about the comment. 

"Then what are you waiting for?" He asked, nodding at the dance floor that had a few people dancing. Peggy kept her eyes on Steve, sharing a moment with him as if no one else was in the room. 

"The right partner." She stated, turning around and making her way out of the pub as Steve stared longingly after her. 

"8:00, Captains," she called without looking back. Dottie stood there with her mouth on the floor while Bucky just had his brows furrowed in utter confusion. 

Steve couldn't stop looking at the space she just left. 

"Holy shit!" Dolores gasped, wacking Steve on the shoulder as he warned her about her language. 

"I don't get it, what just happened?" Bucky looked like a lost puppy, looking to his two best friends for answers. 

"Aw, James. You've lost your touch," Dottie giggled, placing a hand on his chest. 

"As if," he scoffed, grabbing Dottie's hand and yanking her towards him, grabbing her hip and dipping her, placing a soft kiss on her lips. The men in the pub howled, cheering Bucky on as Dolores felt a smirk grow on Bucky's lips. 

"What were you saying?" He chuckles, pulling her up and leading her to the dance floor. 

"I'll admit, you've still got it, Barnes," she giggled, allowing him to twirl her on the dance floor. 

i like it. picasso. 

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