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Brooklyn, NY, September 16th, 1933

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Brooklyn, NY, September 16th, 1933

Dolores awoke to the sounds of her Mother and Father conversing downstairs. The smell of something cooking was prominent, which lead her to leave the warmth and comfort of her own bed.

Once she reached the dining room she smiled lovingly at her parents who were caught in the middle of a kiss. They separated and chuckled as their youngest daughter, Eleanor, sneered at her parents for publicly expressing their love.

"Quiet down, Nell. They're just in love. You should be happy they're not fighting all of the time," Dolores quipped, sitting down in front of her breakfast as she began to eat.

"Oh, speaking of Eleanor, you were telling me about a new friend you made at school?" Alice Goodwin asked her daughter. Ernest Goodwin smiled at his wife, placing a hand on hers as she sat down in her chair and chuckled.

"Yes! Her name is Rebecca Barnes, she lives very close to us! We were wondering if we could play together at her house after school today?" Eleanor asked politely, and Dolores almost choked on her food.

"Pardon me, did you say Barnes? Does Rebecca have an older brother?" Dolores asked desperately, dying to know if this girl was somehow related to James- the boy who she had met barely a week before.

"Yes, she does. His name is Bucky, I met him when he picked Rebecca up from school a few days ago. He's very handsome," Eleanor giggled. 

Dolores didn't know how to feel about this- she hadn't had many conversations with the boy since she first met him, but that was mostly because she was too shy to say anything. She snapped out of her trance, glancing at the clock. 

"I'm not feeling very hungry anymore, Momma. I'm going to get ready for school, I'll be down to walk Eleanor soon." She rushed out, running up the stairs again and leaving her confused family behind.

Once she had a moment to compose herself, Dolores slipped a calf-length dress on quickly, pulling her stockings up her legs and beginning to work on her hair. Once it was parted nicely and pinned back, she slipped on her slightly heeled oxfords and decided to opt out of makeup this morning.

"Nell, let's go!" She called to her sister who came bounding down the stairs after her. She remembered that Esther wouldn't be walking with them this morning as she was going to meet with Roy.

On the walk, Dolores was able to keep her mind from straying to the blue-eyed boy that was consistently present in her thoughts for a week straight, and she was proud of that until they reached Eleanor's school. She held her breath as she spotted him.

Bucky was playing with his little sister with a loving look in his eyes, lifting her up in a strong hug. The sight had Dolores swooning- and she hated it.

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