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Brooklyn, NY, 1943

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Brooklyn, NY, 1943

Dolores heard the sound of a body hitting a garbage can, scattering litter everywhere. She felt Bucky instantly leave her side and she sighed, knowing exactly where he was going. She trailed behind, standing at the entrance of the alley where Steve was being pummeled by a much larger man, though it wasn't hard to be much larger than Steve. 

"What's with all the fighting?" Bucky interrupted, grabbing the hand that was about to knock Steve out. The jerk spins around to see Bucky, who has grown into a muscular, tough young man, staring down at him. 

"Don't you know there's a war going on?" He grins sarcastically, dodging the hit that the man threw at him. Bucky landed a painful blow to his face, causing the man to stumble over in pain. One of Bucky's large military boots came in contact with the man's ass, shoving him out of the alley and past Dolores, who made her way closer to her two best friends. 

"I swear, I think you like getting punched," Bucky laughs, extending a hand to Steve as he gets up from the garbage pile. 

"I had him on the ropes," Steve brushed off, unable to admit when he was beaten. As he got up, the enlistment papers from earlier that day fell out of his pocket. Dolores noticed and picked them up. 

Her heart dropped as she realized just how many times Steve had applied to be a part of the army and been rejected. She almost wished the reality was true for Bucky, but he was instantly accepted. They had gotten engaged a few months ago and had hoped to get married by this summer, but it was already June and they had just heard the news; Bucky was being deployed. 

"How many times is this now? And you lied about where you're from? Lying on an enlistment form is still illegal, Steve," Dolores sighed as Bucky grabbed the papers from her hand. 

"Looks like you got your orders," Steve grabbed the papers back, taking in the army outfit that Bucky was in. Dolores' heart dropped at the reminder. 

"107th leaves first thing tomorrow for England," he nodded, a proud smile on his face. This is what he had always wanted; to do good. Dolores attached herself to Bucky once again, swallowing the sadness she felt for the man she loved. 

"This is my last night," Bucky sounded a little more sombre, pulling Dolores closer to him. 

"So, where's the first stop? Church?" Steve joked lightly, and Dolores chuckled. 

"Maybe second... we are going to the future, my friend!" Bucky smiled, pulling the two along as they both laughed at his antics. 


The trio walked through the fairgrounds, admiring the monorail as it raced around. 

"I don't see the problem! You're about to be the last eligible bachelor in New York. You know, there are three and a half million women here?" Bucky leaned in closer to Steve, causing Dolores to yank him by his tie back towards her. 

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