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Brooklyn, NY, 1943

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Brooklyn, NY, 1943

Steve and Dolores sat with doctors and nurses who were taking vials upon vials of their blood. After Steve had hunted down the Hydra agent but was unable to keep the vial intact, all of the information on Dr. Erskine's work was inside of the two friends. Howard Stark was working on piecing apart the submarine that the spy almost escaped in. 

"Are we almost done?" Steve sighed. 

"All of the doctor's work broke with that vial. The only information we have is in both of your genetic codes, which would take years to crack, but... at the moment, you are the only super soldiers the allied forces have," Peggy sighed, sitting down in exhaustion. 

"Erskine deserved more than that," Steve spoke strongly, staring at the doctor's broken pair of glasses that sat on the desk near him. 

"If it could only work once, he would be proud it was you two," Peggy comforted, while Phillips and Brandt walked into the space, both men furious. 

"Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers," Senator Brandt demanded, causing Dolores to look up in shock at their rushed entrance. 

"Great. Let's start with how a German spy got a ride into my top-secret laboratory in your car," he growled back. Dolores' lip picked up in a sly smile at the Colonel's bold composure, and the Senator shut his mouth after that comment. 

"So, what have we got?" Phillips turned to Howard, who took off his goggles. 

"Well, speaking modestly, I believe I am one of the best mechanical engineers in the country," Howard began, making Steve smile slightly. "But I have no idea what any of this is or how it works. We're nowhere near capable of this technology," he sighed. Everyone in the room tensed slightly at this realization. 

Senator Brandt, Colonel Phillips, and Peggy began to speak about Hydra and their power in the war through Nazi German forces. Dolores grabbed onto Steve's hand, knowing that he was the only one who could understand what she was going through right now. 

"You alright?" Steve asked, but Dolores still couldn't get used to how different he looked. 

"Yes. I think so. I just want to be back at home with James and my family. I want to be planning a wedding, not fighting in a world war," she sighed, closing her eyes. Before Steve could respond, Phillips' words distracted him. 

"Pack your bags, Carter. You too, Stark. The three of us fly to London tonight. We are taking the fight to Hydra," Phillips nodded. 

"Sir? If you're going after Schmidt, I want in," Steve interjected. Dolores nodded, knowing that the sooner they took down Schmidt the sooner she could have her James back. 

"You two are an experiment. We're sending you to Alamogordo," Phillips barked, getting ready to leave. 

"As what, lab rats? The serum worked!" Dolores argued. 

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