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A/N Welcome to the first chapter of the new book! Please relax and enjoy the read!

~Princess <3

Kelly slowly came back into awareness with a cry of agony, pushing a piece of rubble off of himself as the voice of his Battalion Chief boomed over the radio for anyone at all to report. The Lieutenant suddenly sat upright and pulled his mask off.

"Hey, Chief! Severide here. Roof collapsed. We'll need assistance." He explained, urgently.

"What the Hell happened?" Capp inquired as he helped him up.

"Propane tank from the top floor. Squatters cooking on open flames." Kelly elaborated. "I jumped for the stairwell."

"Yeah, me too." Rick panted out, voice cracking a bit.

"All right, spread out. Get eyes on everyone." The Lieutenant ordered, gazing around the area worriedly. "Ana!" He yelled, not getting a response and opting for the next best thing. "Hey, Casey! You copy?"

"Yeah. Down here. I don't see her though." Matt replied just as the sound of two PASS alarms going off rang throughout the area.

"You okay?" Kelly inquired, rushing over to the giant hole in the floor his friend was peering up at him through.

"Think so." The blond nodded.

"All right, we're coming down." The Squad Lieutenant sighed.

The rest of his crew got some rope fixed up and they began rapelling down one by one. Meanwhile, the rest of Truck 81's members began to stir. Otis pulled his mask off and immediately made his way over to Joe.

"You okay?" He wondered, helping him up as Mouch too emerged from the rubble.

"Yeah." The Truck Driver replied, breathlessly.

"OVER HERE!" Herrmann shouted, having found the source of the PASS alarms. "MAN DOWN!"

He began pushing debris off of him until the name on the fallen firefighter's turnout coat became visible.

"Oh, God. Mills!" Otis cried, rushing over to help.

Everyone else joined in just as the former Candidate began to stir.

"Easy, Mills. Easy!" Kelly warned.

"Captain! Help the Captain- Ah!" He groaned, rolling onto his side once there was enough room to do so.

Sure enough, a smaller figure came into view and it had the Squad Lieutenant lunging forwards immediately.

"Ana!" He cried, helping her up just as she fell into a coughing fit.

"K- Kelly. . ." The brunette wheezed out, and it was then that he realized her mask was missing.

"My leg!" Peter hissed in pain, pulling Matt's attention away from his best friend.

"Calm down, Mills. Just breathe. Let's make him a splint." The blond advised, calmly, reaching up to activate his radio. "Dawson? Shay? Come in."

"Hey, Chief. Mills may have a fractured leg. Ana's mask got knocked off during the explosion. She's having an asthma attack." Kelly reported, grimly, rubbing his wife's back comfortingly as she continued her struggle to breathe.

"We got more of everything coming. Can you get them out of there?" The older man inquired.

"I think so. Might be better to get Ana to Dawson or Shay though." The Squad Lieutenant muttered, thoughtfully.

"Ah!" Peter groaned.

"Breathe." Matt murmured.

"Any eyes on Dawson or Shay?" Chief demanded. "I can't reach them."

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