Madmen and Fools/An Honest Woman

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A/N Now, technically, I should've combined this PD episode with the last chapter but I felt better doing it with this one because there's really only one or two scenes from the Fire episode I can do something with and I've been meaning to do something with PD 2x05 for a while now so here it is!

Without further ado, please relax and enjoy the read.

~Princess <3

*At Matt and Gabby's Apartment: Early in the Morning*

The engaged couple were in the middle of getting ready for their next shift when Ana came racing out of the guest bedroom. She looked frazzled as all Hell while Kelly was, of course, nowhere to be found.

"Hey, can you guys drop me off at the 21st before you head to 51?" The brunette requested, politely, despite the worry that was making every part of her body visibly tense. "And tell Boden I'm gonna be late coming in today."

"Of course." Matt nodded, instantly.

"What's going on?" Gabby inquired as her eyebrows scrunched together in concern.

"My Dad promised he was gonna call me this morning and talk about a few things but he never did and now his phone is going straight to voicemail." The Captain explained, urgently shrugging her Firehouse jacket on over her shoulders. "Something is seriously wrong. I can feel it."

"We'll be ready in 5 minutes." The blond called out while his fianceé nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Ana sighed in relief.

*At the 21st Police District: A Little While Later*

"Hey, Honey, what's up?" Trudy inquired with a smile as her Goddaughter approached the front desk.

"You heard from Daddy at all?" Ana wondered. "He's not answering his phone."

"No I haven't." The Desk Sergeant's face quickly fell and one of her hands disappeared below the desk. "Here, lemme buzz you in."

"Thanks, Trudy." The brunette murmured, immediately rushing towards the gate.

She bounded up the stairs and into the Bullpen, finding a majority of the Intelligence Unit loitering about with their boss no where in sight.

"Have any of you seen my Dad? His phone keeps going straight to voicemail." Ana explained, a little out of breath.

A woman she guessed was Nadia Decotis based off the descriptions she was given by various members of the team, appeared beside her and it didn't take her that long to work out who the brunette was either.

"Yeah, some guy from H.Q. called. Voight skipped a com stat meeting." She added, worriedly.

"Weird. I'll try him." Erin offered, pressing her own phone to her ear.

"See?" Nadia shrugged when she pulled the device away not even a second later

"I believed you." The female Detective assured, shooting the firefighter a slight glare. "It's her I don't trust."

Ana chose to ignore her for the most part.

"Maybe he's sick?" Nadia frowned.

"He never gets sick." The shorter brunette corrected her in somewhat of a fond tone. "Frankly, I don't think he can."

"And he's never late." Erin added, glancing across the room at her partner. "Jay."

"Come on, Ana, you can roll with us." He offered, grabbing his coffee cup and standing up from his desk.

The firefighter just raced back downstairs and the two Detectives were hot on her heels.

*At Hank Voight's Residence*

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