Prep Work

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"Hey max, could you hand me that?" You have to lean way over and struggle to do so with your growing belly in the way.

Niikeym is asleep on your bed for the time being, bundled up with blankets around him so he won't turn over... as if he could with Norm sitting next to him, anyway.
   He's crocheting something and sitting criss-cross on your bed, watching over your son for you.

"Got cha." Max meets you more than half way to give you some room, and hands you the little container of glue he's got.

It's a mess of things in the room, but it's fine for now — todays a good day spent together.

Jake seems to show not long after, standing at the doorway of your shared bedroom after he's retired from seeing Tsu'tey.

"Do I dare ask what's going on?" Jake muses as he walks in and finds all of you scattered around your bedroom.

"We're building some things for the kids." You insist. Aside from meetings with Tsu'tey — He's been out all day doing physical therapy with N'deh and Sanchez for a change, especially getting out on his human-hikes. "—Bookshelf.. organizer, crib, desk, tiny furniture for when they're old enough."

"We're trying not to use anything except for twine or wood, since Eywa doesn't believe in metals." Norm reminds. "- This will last a long while, though. And it's not like we can't make new ones as we go."

"What about the hut? How's that coming along? Can I help any? I know you haven't finished it yet, but—" You forgot to ask Norm earlier, far too indulged in all of this.

"Baby, I know you want to help, but your job is to just cook the little ones until they're done, okay? That's all. Rest. You've well deserved it." Jake pushes his way in before Norm can even respond, and comes to sit with you carefully.

"Yeah that's not gonna work, Jake. She's been driving me nuts all week." Trudy reminds. "Please give her something to do other than harass me."

"Can you blame me? I have like.. a month until these kids are due. I'm running out of time." You insist.

"Yknow.." Trudy thinks out loud. "—Spiders outgrown his crib, so you're welcome to have ours. It's not like he ever used it. It could work for one kid, at least."

"She's decided on practicing co-sleeping lately, which I don't mind - but the kids got legs for days." Norm laughs. "—He kicks at me all the time and I wake up on the floor. I had to get my own fold out cot."

   Norm brings his legs up as he sits on the bed, keeping an eye on the little one as he sleeps so peacefully.

"I'm sorry, you know he hates being away from us." Trudy reaches out and places a hand on his knee. "He's just a baby, you can't get upset that he wants our attention. He doesn't know all that yet."

"I know. It's fine. Lias likes to spend time between us and the clan as it is." Norm says. "Which.. I need to see if Saeyla is returning her anytime soon. She's been kidnapping her lately."

"She loves kids. Always has. She was first up to help my second son with his training when I couldn't.
    I've been wondering if she's going to pick a mate anytime soon." You add in. "She seems to really want a baby in her future... she's asked me so many questions about mine. She would make an amazing mother, she's already such a good older sister as it is."

"I heard she and Ka'ani are kind of... seeing each other? Courting each other? Whatever our equivalent would be." Trudy smiles at the thought. "They're just kids, they don't need to rush into it. But... I do think they're cute together."

"They trained together too. They were both under Tsu'tey when we started out." Jake adds in. "-I'm not surprised that's what had them bond so much."

"Hold on.. Didn't she like Tsu'tey at one point?" Trudy asks, confused.

What if? (P2) || Jake/Reader || DraftUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum