Tempus (1/2)

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Sorry for taking forever to post out the rest of these chapters. I have about the next ten or so out, just trying to slowly post as I write more so I'll have extras in my 'vault' so to speak.
As I mentioned before, I've been busy taking care of my grandmother after my grandpas passing. On top of it I've got a sick senior feral cat I've been fostering, and I'm seeking a second job to cover finances — so my posting will be extremely here and there.
As always, I will go through revisions when I can but it may not be for a long time. I haven't had time to read everyone's comments either, but I'll try to soon. I also have two other independent (avatar-verse) stories going on, but I'll probably finish them out before I post them.
Thank you guys so much for the continued support and patience, it means a lot and I try so hard not to keep y'all waiting too long. 🫶🏻


You have a difficult time finding the effort needed to open your eyes. It's far too exhausting to even think properly as you stretch out, and feel Jake's prickly leg against the sole of your foot.

"Good morning." His voice rings, and you feel his hand gliding up your side as he nuzzles into your back and shoulder for a moment.

You place your hand on top of his, and enjoy this while it lasts - because with three of them, someone was bound to cry.. and soon.

Jake's hand only tightens as you move to sit up, and he brushes your hair out of your face so you can fully see the room around you.

He notices the look of confusion you wear when you notice one of the cribs are empty.

"I hope you don't mind." He informs. "—but Tsu'tey took Niikeym and Lia out for the day with Norm. He said he wanted to spend some time with them."

Fuck. It's too early for emotions.
Your face forcibly frowns and you have to try to hold back the tears that swell at the edge of your waterline.

"What's wrong?" He asks, already sitting up to grab for the comms. "-I can call them back—"

"No, no. It's not that." You grab for his hand, and pull him back in. "- I'm happy for him to spend time with the kids." You wipe your palm against your cheek.
"—Hes a big brother you know? He loves kids."

"Then why are you crying?" He half-chuckles.

"You know why. He never got to experience this, Jake." You point out. "-He died in the battle to save the tree of souls. Before any of our children were born."

"Oh, baby." He leans in and wraps an arm around you, pressing his chest to yours before you—

"Ouch." You suddenly complain, and reach up with your fingers to soothe the ache in your chest.

"What happened?" He leans back, carefully - watching what you're doing.. and rather intrigued by the way you're massaging your breast.

"My breasts are too full. It's painful."
You try to push yourself up, and throw the loose t-shirt of his avatar's off.
"—Can you get me my pump? Or one of the twins if they're awake?"

"Twins are out." He shortly explains, and starts to turn to the other side of the bed. "—Just fed them not too long ago, they're down for their nap."
    He partially disappears as he reaches over and pulls it out of the drawer. It's sort of a half-sphere shape, with a decent sized opening on the back. Thank god for the electric and wireless ones, because you'd hate having to do this by hand.

You go to take it from Jake when he returns, but he has other ideas in mind.
"Jake." You groan. "Come on."

"I'm only teasing." He scoots over and places it in your bra and on your breast for you, trying to make himself as useful as he can.
    He pauses for a moment after getting you settled, and more than happily brushes his thumb over your other nipple.  He clearly misses being intimate to any degree, but neither of you had the time - and you weren't healed enough yet.

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