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"How many more times are you going to organize that shelf Max made?"

You shoot him a glance as he comes out of the shower, toothbrush still in hand as he leans against the bathroom door.
    "Until I'm satisfied. Which... will probably never happen."

"I've noticed. You've scrubbed the shower so many times - I think the paints going to start coming off the next time you do."

"I can't help it.. everything needs to be clean." You lean over to grab a stack of things, and scoot over so you're closer to the shelves. "I just feel like I'm not happy unless it's all spotless, I feel like I'm forgetting something or leaving something unfinished."

"Blankets? Toys?" He offers as a suggestion, even thought it may not help much.

"No... ugh, I don't know." You start placing more items in. "We've got cloth diapers, bamboo wipes, washcloths, small ponchos for if it gets cold, blankets, my breastfeeding supplies, formula.. I know you and Norm are working on baby furniture..."

Jake comes to sit next to you, wrapping his arms around you and placing his palms where the twins rest.
   "Baby, it's going to be okay. Even if you forget something, it's not the end of the world. Na'vi have been raising children since the beginning of their time here. There are always work arounds."

"I'm worried, okay? this needs to be ready. What if it's too much this time around with twins? I don't want Niikeym to feel neglected."

"Baby. Whatever happens, we will figure it out. I'm here, too - don't forget. We're not stuck in a capitalist society where I have to work, while you're stuck at home by yourself. I'll be there for everything."

You stop putting things away for a moment, and lean back into Jake's chest. His Avatar was nice to lay against - much bigger chest, and it had only gotten softer these days.
   You turn to press your cheek against his rib cage, and nuzzle into him as you rub your face against him.

Soft, warm, comfortable.

You didn't even realize how tired you were until you woke a half-hour later, and surprisingly - Jake never moved. He laid his back against the adjacent wall, and seemingly clocked out of the body for a while.

He starts to return not long after and you take advantage of that to push yourself up - which is quite difficult to do so gracefully with this big belly hanging in the way - and eventually trip and end up straddling his thigh as you try to catch yourself.
Hes quick to put a hand under your lower back, and help you sit up.
    "You good?"

You huff out absolutely defeated and exhausted just from that alone.
    "I'm tired of struggling so much. As much as I love these kids, I'm ready for them to be out. I was miserable with just the one before."

You pull him in for a kiss, and he leans into it for a moment. You're not going anywhere without his assistance, so you may as well cherish this time.

"I wish I could feel all of you." And he brings his braid over his shoulder. "—-I can't wait to do that again."

  You were too big for the link at this point, but with only two weeks left - it wouldn't be too terrible. You'd see your other side again, and it would only make it more special when you could.

You hear someone knocking at the door to your room, and don't even attempt getting up this time by yourself.
    "Help me out would you? I can't get up."

Jake happily places his larger hands around your waist, and makes sure you're settled before he gets up himself. He strides over to the door, and sure enough — there's Tsu'tey.

What if? (P2) || Jake/Reader || DraftWhere stories live. Discover now