Outing (2/2)

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"They sure seem to be doing just fine." Norm stops for a moment to take a drink out of his canteen.

"I don't know about that." Jake scoffs. "Tommi seems pretty hellbent on wanting to sacrifice Da'mik for being a pain in her ass."

"And what else is new?" Tsu'tey laughs. "In my classes, they were always the worst at staying focused. Had to outdo one another."

"It happens." Jake shrugs before coming over to sit next to Norm as they take a short break. "My brother and I were always competing. He won in the end, though. Hes the one who got the gig that landed, well, in a way.. both of us out here.
   If it weren't for him, I'd be a disabled vet living off government benefits, all alone."

"Alone?" Norm questions. "No way. Tom never shut up about how you flirted with so many girls."

"It's not like I ever slept with any of them." Jake shrugs.

"You're just pulling my leg. You're telling me you didn't have sex until...?"

"No. Not.. fully. I did other things but, not to that extent. I wasn't exactly an ideal partner to women."

Tsu'tey seems to find humor in that.
     "The great Toruk Makto? Undesirable? I can not picture it."

"What? It's the truth. You've seen my human form, wheelchair and all." Jake mimics pushing the wheels with his hands. "They didn't go for that on my world.
   I tried to defend a girl who was being taking advantage of once, and I got thrown out of the bar. Wheelchair dropped right on top of me."

"Holy shit. Ouch?" Norm winces. "Ouch, seriously. Ouch."

"Happened the same night those schmucks showed up looking for me, too. Telling me to take over Tommy's contract."

"You do not speak much about your brother apart from him being a scientist and original owner of this avatar." Tsu'tey notices. "What was he like?"

"Hmm.. hard-headed, stubborn, forward, blunt?"

"You sure you're not just describing yourself?" Norm tsks. "Tom was more.. serious. Focused. He was a huge problem solver. Team player."

"And I'm not?" Of course, Jake takes offense.

"Not that you aren't, he was just.. more of?" Norm teases. "I think of you as the football playing twin, while hes the studying late on Saturday nights twin."

"Well.. yeah. That about sums us up pretty easy."

"Did he have anyone back on earth? Did you?" Tsutey pries as the conversation allows.

"Uh, no. I didn't, he didn't. I tried, got nowhere as I said. He never wanted anything serious since his studies would take him across the galaxy. I wouldn't be surprised if he left some sully kids behind back on earth, though.. and we just never knew."

"And what about your parents?"

"Mother died.. Father died of cancer." Jake shrugs.

"Cancer?" Tsu'tey seems confused. He hadn't learned that English term before.

"He means an abnormal mass of cells forming where they shouldn't." Norm speaks up for him. "Many different versions of it, and several ways to die from it."

"Oh. I am sorry." Tsu'tey expresses. "I remember you telling me he had passed a long time ago, I just did not know how."

"I will say.. it was lonely being the last Sully. My parents didn't have any siblings. My grandparents had long since passed. When Tom was taken from me, I really didn't have anyone else."

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