Trial and error

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"Tommika? Really? Another name with a K?"

You're hardly paying attention as your focus is elsewhere, with carefully moving the infant around in your lap.
    As you adjust in the hospital bed, a surge of anticipation fills your heart. And much like with Niikeym, you're cautious at first — bringing him in closer for feeding time.

As his tiny fingers wrap around yours, you can't help but marvel at the familiar hue of Da'mik's eyes.
His ears start to wiggle as you gently stroke his soft hair, cherishing the strands that mirror the color missed so dearly.

It took time to get used to things, especially with Eywa's gifts so suddenly bestowed upon you both. Who knew how far they may go?

But at least you had your first two so far. Safe, young, and given a new chance at life.

The last time you'd ever seen him, he was only sixteen and risking his life to get Spider back.
  ...Something you know you'd spare them from this time. Whatever it took, they wouldn't end up in that situation again.

It hurts to even bare the thought of losing them again. Not after all you've done and been through to correct things.

"What?" Jake defends himself as he bounces the bright-eyed baby girl in his arms. "- I think it's cute. I wanted something to honor Tommy."

She wasn't around last time, and you were curious to see how she'd fit in with the others as she grew. Maybe she'd be more like Lia — more of a leader, responsible, smart. Or .. and god and Eywa forbid, maybe she'd end up like Da'mik, Spider, and Lo'ak did. Which you hope you'd be spared of, since the last thing you needed was yet another trouble maker in the family.

Trudy places her hand on her hip, rather unamused. "Are you trying to be the kardashians?"

"Hell, I'll take it. At least if we were—" You grunt while pulling yourself up a bit on the bed, finally joining the conversation. "—we would've been rich back on earth."

"Well.. for what it's worth- I like the name."
     Avatar-Norm steps over and sits at one of the chairs around your bed, holding Niikeym so sweetly on his chest. "And as far as money goes — We don't have to worry about that now, do we?" He lifts your son up for a moment so he can fix he edge of his blanket, and tuck his little body in properly before giving him a gentle kiss on his forehead. "—Just genuine care and sharing resources."

"And what's your opinion on the name?" Trudy takes a chair on the opposite end, straddling it backwards as she rests both her arms and her chin on the back of it.
"Yours matters most of all."

"I like it actually. I think it's a cute way to slip Tommy's name in." You innocently shrug as Da'mik pulls away, and turns his head to face Trudy.
    He's intrigued by her presence as she speaks, always wondering what everyone else was up to.

"What does it mean?" She follows up with.

"It's a variation of Tamika.. which means 'child of the people.' " Jake answers, proudly showing off his researching skills the past few months. "—Like being connected to and part of the larger community. Or.. feeling a sense of belonging and having a shared responsibility for everyone around us."

"Wow." She mutters. "Look at you. That's impressive and fitting. I bet you feel real smart picking that one out, don't you?"

He smiles shyly and turns to Norm who sits beside him. "I may have had some help on a few names."


The next few weeks were tiring, as one would expect.

It feels nice to be back in your old bedroom, even though it's covered in toys and clothes thrown in every which way.

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