
38 2 0

One week left on the twin timer.
     Ideally you would've gone the full 40 weeks out, but things were better planning to go through the surgery at 37 instead.
    You've held on for so long, which was a miracle considering you were finding it harder to get comfortable every night.

Jake would pile on as many blankets as he could for the shared bed or outdoor hut, and even dig you holes in the dirt so you could sleep on your stomach again without the twins getting in the way.

"Is that dug in enough?" Hes carefully watching as you comfortably lay against the ground, and let out the biggest sigh of relief as you can finally lay how you've wanted for so long.   You settle in with a content smile on your face, almost falling asleep right then and there.

The mask is a bit uncomfortable, but it doesn't even matter. You're too exhausted to care.
   "Mmmm, it's great. Thank you."

He adorably chuckles at how satisfied you are, despite knowing you won't be able to get up later without him.

Niikeym fits so perfectly along his fathers arm, with his little head resting comfortably at the palm of Jake's hand. He makes a cute little squeak noise, staring upward at the Ikran as they climb around high up in the trees.

"You'll get to have one of those one day." Jake leans back a bit so Niikeym can look at them better. He's never seen his sons eyes so wide in wonder. "And you'll charm everyone on the war council with your skill."

You barely come to as you hear the sound of something hitting the ground beside you, and judging by the little groan following — it's not much of a surprise who you find trying to climb all over the back of your legs.  ... unfortunately waking you from the most comfortable sleep you've had.

"Hello Lia." You groan out with an awfully tired voice, not even sparing her a look as you feel her trip over your legs yet again. "Are you having fun?"

"Come on, you know your aunts not a jungle gym."
      Aaaaand there's Trudy, leaning over to pick up her mischievous child. "That's not how you greet people."

You slowly lift your head up — and come to realize Jake is off in the distance, curled up by one of the larger trees and sitting with Grace.

"Believe me, I'm used to it." You grunt, having to forcefully turn yourself over and fail in the process.   You hate feeling so useless, but at least there's a reason for it.
"Trude, you mind helping me out?"

"Yeah, I've got you. Hold on." She sets Lia back down, and before you both know it she takes off as Grace holds out her hands — signaling for her to come.

Trudy digs the front of her boots into the dirt, and uses all she's got to help you up as you're so unbalanced.

You hold your arms out like an airplane, trying to keep from losing that as you steady your bare feet against the ground.

"You got it?" Trudy asks, with her hands hovering your waist.

"As best as I can." You uncomfortably moan with the first step you take, feeling the sharp back pain that hits like a freight train.
So much for getting up all the way, cause now your palm is grabbing onto a nearby tree for life.
   You end up placing your head between your hands as you lean forward, and sway your hips from side to side as you breathe out slowly — trying to let it pass without too many issues.

"Need me to get you anything?" Trudy asks, worried. Her thumbs are already on your lower back out of the routine you two have developed, rubbing delicate circles around where your back dimples are.

"Is it too late to request a surrogate?"

Jake sees what's going on, and Grace happily takes both children so he can rush over and check on you.
   "Hey, what's going on?"

What if? (P2) || Jake/Reader || DraftWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu