Broken rules

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"Is Norm jealous with all the time we spend together these days? Hes not going to murder me, is he?"

Trudy waves you off as she smiles under her mask. "Is Jake going to murder me?"

"... Good point." You move over a bit to place your leg out infront of hers, making sure she won't slip off the branch you're both perched on.
"It's nice being able to take a day or two off when needed. Can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my time with."

"Aww, how sweet." She sits down and places her arms on top of your striped, larger thigh. "-I think I'm going to puke."

Niikeym and Lia are around, flying their Ikran here and there with Saeyla leading their little group.
Despite them teaching the kids around Tuk's age, they still had a way to go until they mastered their Ikran.

Jake and Norm are probably standing with Tsu'tey on the ground, watching the same sequences of flights as you and Trudy are.

"Yeah, yeah.. love you, too."

"I wish I could fly one." Trudy finds herself thinking out loud. "-They look like a lot of fun."

"After you get used to it and get past the motion sickness, they sure are. Norm never lets you take over when hes flying?"

"Eh.. it's not the same. I want to be in control fully. It's like when I was teaching him how to fly, let him work my joystick a while.. and then he eventually got to sit in the pilot seat."

"Really?" You snort at the comment. "...Worked your joystick?"

"I- no, not like that." She hits your leg sarcastically. "-You know what I meant."

"Hmmm, did I? Are you really sure about that?"

"Do not make me shove you off this branch."

"Hey, at least I know how to fall and catch myself if I go down. You're stuck breaking the other leg if you fall from this height."

She peers over and winces at the view. "I'd be lucky if that's all I got out of this with."

An alarm goes off on your tablet, and you dig it out of your bags side pocket.
It's almost time for dinner, and the kids would want to meet up soon for it.

"Food time?" Trudy asks.

"Yup. We gotta get going." You slowly push yourself up, mindful not to hit her with your tail or legs as you do. "— That is, If we want to finish dinner by the time the kids show up, anyways."

"Where do you want to go hunting first? South? Get some fish for a change? I'm getting tired of Sturmbeest all the time. I know the guys love it, but if I have to go on the fifteenth meal this week including it - I may just lose it."

You place your hand on her back as she walks inside Hometree and starts the downward spiral, making sure she watches her step.
"Alright.. fish it is, then. I won't complain. It's our night to hunt anyway, so it is our decision."

She takes her bow off and keeps it by her side as you wave to the guys and head off - they're all standing around, arms crossed, going over something you truly don't have the energy to think about at the moment.

Your tablet dings again when you're further into the woods, and you retrieve it once more, confused.
Until you realize it's just Jake messaging you.

[How about you walk another loop around Hometree and exit again? I like the view I'm seeing when you walk away.]

You sigh before even considering a response.
[Focus on your meeting, horndog. I'll tend to you later.]

"How about the creek we usually head out for with the kids? It's got a good variety." Trudy considers.

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