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It had been a long morning with the twins, and the air filled with the sound of Tommika's cries.
You're thankful Trudy was able to help with Da'mik, and stayed in her room with Spider for the time being.
   Because exhaustion was the only thing you felt. Your face stressed with worry.
   "Shh, shh. It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay."
  She had been a new addition you didn't have any cheat codes for, and with it came those same exact feelings of unsureness you felt the first time around.

She's gently cradled in your arms, and you sway her back and forth - but her cries don't subside. You tried everything you could think of to soothe your precious bundle, but the crying persisted.
   The first real defeat you've felt since coming back to this place, especially as your daughter continues so loudly that even your ears start to hurt.

Kiri wasn't this difficult, but she had her other means of communicating. Da'mik could be at times, he'll even Lo'ak was — but not like this.

With trying to get things prepared by tonight, on top of trying to soothe her - it had all piled up, and become too much.

It's not too long after you decide to sit on the bed and rock with her, that Jake finally shows. He's still in his Avatar form for the time being - helping finalize any decorations or moving heavy furniture.
   His ears immediately drop when he moves in, and frowns when he notices the look on your face and the tears falling down your cheeks.

He's careful when he approaches, gently brushing a finger on your arm to let you know he's there.

You look up, and his heart breaks with how tired you look.

"What happened?" He asks, rubbing a hand on Tommika's back to try to help.

"I-I don't know." You sniffle. "She's gotten quieter here and there; but she won't-" And there she goes again after settling down to a mumbled tone. "-she won't stop. I've tried everything I can think of. Im trying to get her down as soon as I can so I can work on things. I have to shower, do my hair, clean up the floor, organize the kids things again, start on dinner, and get my clothes ready for tomorrow.
    But I can't do laundry before picking up the toys because I'll need to get the kids things, and I can't do my hair or shower until laundry is done or else nothing will be dry before bedtime, and I—"

"Baby." Jake places a hand on your shoulder, and leans in to kiss your forehead as you sniffle again. "Focus. One thing at a time."  He steps back and opens his hands out, wanting to take Tommika from you.

You wipe away at your cheek with your other palm, and pass her over to him.
   Simply taking a moment to breathe as your arms can rest from carrying her all morning.

Jake realizes too late that he forgot to brush his braid behind his shoulder, for it drops down right where she can reach it — giving her something to fiddle with as she tugs on it.
   "Hey, baby girl, hey-" He laughs, and as he takes her hand she finally looks up at his eyes and her signs of distress fade with her fathers smile.

You worry when her crying subsides, and get up to walk over and check on her.
    She's smiling and her little eyes twinkle up at him, like in that moment he's her whole world.    "It was you. That's what was wrong. She missed you."

He offers her his other hand to play with, and by the time he looks back at you - she's sucking on his finger.
     "Shit. I'm sorry, baby. I guess the kids got used to me doing morning duty. I didn't think about it."
He kneels down so he's face to face with you, and kisses the side of your face.
    "I'll pick up the kids things, and I'll get laundry taken care of as a start. Okay?  We can work on the rest when you're out of the shower."

"Laundry needs to be done before I shower, I don't have anything clean to put on." You stress.

"Just wear one of my avatars shirts, and one of my elastic shorts. It'll be okay."
You frown a bit, unsure why you didn't think of that to begin with - and he kisses your temple again as again as a sign of comfort.

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