Martrimony (3/3)

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I absolutely love writing baby moments, ngl.
I'm an aunt to three little ones.
Two were born within two months of each other last year, and the other is currently a month old and Irish twin to the other (his moms Irish and it's what she calls them).

Getting to hold them and hear their little babbles warms my heart. and then the other two are 13 and 9.  All wonderful kids despite suffering from puberty and growing pains.
so when I write about parental adoration - these kids and their mommas (my best friends of 13+ years) are my inspiration.

I am child free and don't have kids for myself, but I love them all more than anything. They are not my flesh and blood, but it doesn't change a thing. 🫶🏻

After everything is put away and the eclipse falls over the forest — Grace approaches you and insists on having a private moment with you and Jake while everyone else clears out or returns back inside.

"What's going on?"
Jake asks as she leads you both a bit further in the woods for some privacy.
His concern is growing as he holds Niikeym higher up on his hip, mirroring the worried expression on your face.

"I want you to know that I'm only being polite because of the ceremony today," Grace begins, and she sets a hand on Jake's shoulder.
"But you better watch out, Jake. I'll seriously neuter you for putting my girl through so much."

And just like Norm earlier — Jake gives you that same look, as if you hold all the answers.

"What?" You ask, a bit lost and unsure.
"-What happened?"
You wrap your arm around Jake's waist to help support Niikeym's weight.
"I'm confused."

What's left of a grin on her face simply drops as she switches her glare between the both of you.
"I was doing routine blood work yesterday on the Avatars — and noticed something.....
      ——interesting, to put it.
    Are you aware your avatar is pregnant again?"

The last thing you remember from that night was the look Jake gave you.


The forest echoed with the sound of your arrow slipping from your grasp and rolling down the shallow hill, a consequence of the growing belly throwing off your balance.

With a gentle smile, Jake made his way over - asking what was wrong as you huffed out in defeat.

"God damnit." You complain. "—Can't bend over to get the arrow I dropped."

He swiftly retrieves it, his eyes filled with adoration as you surprisingly decided to stick things out for yet another pregnancy.

"Don't you two know how sex works by now? How babies are made?" Grace sure didn't hold back that night one bit.

You probably wouldn't have gone through it again so soon had it been from your human body. That one needed much more time before ever getting back to that stage - but hopefully with the IUD reinstated it wouldn't be something of any concern.

Jake steps over to look at you as Grace excuses herself to retrieve her daughter - with your eldest sons white freckles lighting up beautifully against the bioluminescent scenery.

His hand comes over the side of your mask, gently pressing his finger tips to your skin.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this again so soon?"

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