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You're up before Jake is, and find yourself sitting on the floor as you lean against the bed.
   It's not often you have your avatar in here, as it's harder to maneuver the smaller space with her - but it was just.. easier.
You got in her as soon as you were up to see Niikeym, but he had been sleeping again.. and you couldn't dare to disturb him.

Also not like you to be up before Jake, but here you are.

You hear him shuffling around in bed as he feels around for you out of habit, until he finally sees that you're not next to him. Let alone in human form.

"Oh. There you are." He pulls himself up and swings his legs over — no exoskeleton on yet, but he can still move some.

He places his knees either side of your shoulders, and kisses the top of your head.

"You didn't come to bed last night?"

"No." You respond. "I'm sorry. I stayed up, walked around some, napped in the link with the latch open so it wouldn't try to connect me .. spent some time with Tuk to make sure she was okay.. sat with Niikeym for a while... but hes asleep again."

"Why didn't you wake me if you couldn't sleep?"

"I just needed a moment alone."

You feel his smaller hands working away at your hair, taking the opportunity to braid your hair and fix it so your queue isn't exposed. At least it's fully dried out from the shower last night, and although you don't feel too great - you sure smell wonderful.
"Take all the time you need." Jake has to push himself further back on the bed to lean out of the way and finish out the longer braid.

You feel it once hes done, and move it so it's over the front of your chest.
   "Thank you."

He kisses the back of your head again.
   "Want me to get my avatar and we can hit the obstacle courses for a while? To take your mind off things?"

"Let's stop by and get the kids. They'll need it just as much as we do."


"Hes gonna be okay, right?" Spider pries as he sits on the sidelines with Lo'ak.

"Mom says he will be fine." Lo'ak's tail is rather limp as it smacks the wooden porch. "- He was sitting up and talking, he's doing good.. they're just giving him a few days of rest before releasing him."

"Man." Spider sighs. "I'm thankful it wasn't worse."

"Yeah. Me, too."

They look over to Jake as hes holding Tuk up in the air, letting her grab at the monkey bar handles but not letting her do it alone just yet.

You find it kind of funny watching — it's similar to how you used to take the kids off your hip anytime they dropped anything on the floor, and dangle them so they'd grab it before bringing them back up.
   Saved having to bend over and grab something without a baby in the way. Especially when heavily pregnant while tending to another.

'You really should get out of the avatar for a while and let me check her over, you know. I need to make sure she doesn't have any infections or pneumonia or anything.'
   Max's voice comes in over the comms.

'She's— I'm fine. Just keep your attention on Niikeym for now. I'll let you have her after hes back and healthy. Norm scanned her the night it happened, he said she was fine.'

Da'mik catches your eye as he takes to the larger trampoline, and at least hes laughing away with Tommi as they enjoy flipping around as Grace watches ever so nervously.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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