Outing (1/2) 🔞

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Jake gestures towards the bed as you both enter the room with your human forms, already winding down for the night after tucking the kids in.
"Listen, we really need to talk. Can you sit down for a minute?"

You're almost hesitant to take a seat on the edge of the bed, his tone of voice awful worrying.

As you settle in and take a deeper breath he carefully comes over to join you, being more than mindful of his exoskeleton.

He places his hand on top of yours, his love and worry evident.
   "I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind since yesterday. You know how much I love our kids, and I appreciate all that you do for them. But lately, I've noticed that your approach when scolding them can be a bit... harsh."

"I have to be hard on them, Jake. I just want them to learn and behave.. stay where they're supposed to. Don't cause trouble, don't get hurt."

"I know that, and discipline is important. But I think you're taking it all a bit too personally based on your past life. They made a mistake, baby.
   They were on the path we walked before and they got lost. There is nothing else to it. They didn't mean to go that far out."

It's an odd thing, sitting on this side of the argument. Before, it was always Jake defending being so hard on the kids.

You lowly chuckle at the irony of it.

"What is it?" He asks, squeezing your thigh ever so gently.

"I just can't believe it took me so long to get where you were coming from all those years ago."  You wipe the back of your hand across your cheeks. "Last time we had this argument our kids were teenagers.. I was sitting there — and you, here."

He places his fingers under your chin, and makes you look at him before he leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead as always.

It also brings on a new perspective as he holds his gaze on you for so long, with his face so close that you make out the little details you've never noticed before.

You help yourself over, and straddle his lap as you keep his face between your palms.
    "You know something else? I've never seen you this old before, either. You transferred back when Da'mik was still a baby."

He gives you a smile mixed with a look of disgust. "Who are you calling old? I'm not old."

"Mmm.. you've got a couple gray hairs going on." You smirk. "Some wrinkles around your eyes, lines on your forehead — but those are because you wouldn't listen when I told you to stop raising your brows so much."

He seems to test your patience, and goes for doing just that anyways.

"Jake." You half-sigh half-laugh as you place your palm on his forehead, trying to smooth out the horizontal lines. "Stop, you're only going to make it worse."

With your hand half over his face, he pulls it off by your wrist and takes to kissing your palm.

He wraps his arms around your torso, and rests his face ever so comfortably on your chest as he simply enjoys the moment.

Until something else crosses your mind.

"Yeah?" He comically mumbles with his face pressed between your boobs.

"I feel like when we got married.. I asked you about transferring, and you never gave me an answer." You try to shortly explain your thoughts. "I know you've said having two bodies works better in case something happens during the future war, but.. is there another reason why you haven't?"

Now hes the one hesitating, trying to come up with a way to properly word his thoughts.
  "I didn't want to rush into it. I figured.. I can always do it later. If I wanted.
   We still have our human friends around, and I don't care what the other Navi say about me and my Toruk title. I am who I am, and if they don't like it — too fucking bad."

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