🌟 Overhaul (1/3)

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      Norm's voice suddenly reverberates through the forest with an awful frightening tone, sending a jolt of fear down even your spine.
    The loudness of his yell, combined with the echoing sound of the copter definitely startles you. "Spider — you come down here immediately."

Doesn't take long to regret stepping outdoors and onto the grounds of the old base, preferring not to get involved with whatever they've got going on.

The air is coated the faint scent of oil and metal these days — with rows upon rows of scorpions, jeeps, Ikran, and such stretched out before you.
  The mixed assortment of species have really come together these days, with very few lines between them anymore. All too often you'd find Na'vi hanging around indoors, or humans at the highest point of Hometree.

And of course, there were several mixed relationships along the way — with even a handful of Na'vi developing full on bonded ties with Avatars, and producing more mixed children as time went on.
     Everything seemed to have Eywa and Tsuteys blessings these days, no signs yet of any need to withdraw or worry about tomorrows events.

Your eyes are drawn to the old hut that was once the orphanage in your past life  - with its worn wooden exterior bearing witness to the passage of time, and the newly redone stairs mis-matching the previous stain as its lighter in color.

As you approach, you can almost hear the echoes of the kids that once filled these walls - and feel the way the paint peels from the weathered walls, exposing the years of work concealed beneath.

Now it's just part of Sanchez' training camp — not even remotely used for the kids in this lifetime as Hometree still stood with all of its might.

The louder sound of the active scorpion starts to quiet — raising concern as you step back out, mindful of where your tail hits the railing at least so you don't break anything else, and you find yourself focused on the pair as they bicker on.

As the scorpion begins to slow down, Norm quickly shuts it off and fully steps on, not giving Spider a chance to remotely move from his seat.

    It's quite amusing to watch the larger Avatar-Norm pull Spider by the back of his neck off the scorpion and onto the ground like a mother cat with her newborn.

"Why in hells name did you do that?" Norm snatches the keys from his son before he can even respond. "Do you realize how dangerous that is?"

Spider glances up at him, shrugging nonchalantly. "I wanted to try out the controls," he reminds innocently.

"Did Trudy give you permission to do this without her present?"

Spider remains silent, avoiding eye contact as he huffs and crosses his arms.


"No." He mumbles. "She said not without her, but, she's been busy - and -"

"No. Absolutely not.
   No but, if, and, or anything. You are too young to drive that thing. Get your ass back to your quarters. I'll have her find you later and she can figure out an appropriate punishment.
  I've got too much else to do today."

Spider storms off with a wider strut in his walk, and as he disappears into the distance — you decide to come check up on Norm as he stands there, watching his child walk away.

"You wanna take a go at Da'mik for me with all that energy?" You jokingly greet with. "I'm tired of yelling at him these days."

"At least Lia is well behaved, she never gives me this much trouble."

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